[OSGeo-Standards] Follow up from OSGeo board meeting

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Sat Oct 19 13:06:27 PDT 2013

Jody has some valuable ideas below, which I think we could make very 

It would be straight forward for us to extend the OSGeo-Live template to 
describe the level of OGC standard certified an application is.

I'd suggest there could be three levels of description:
"OGC <Standard> <Version> Used": The Project uses an OGC standard, but 
not run OGC CITE tests.

"OGC <Standard> <Version> Passed": The Project has run OGC CITE tests, 
and believe they pass these tests.

"OGC <Standard> <Version> Certified": The OGC has certified an 
application according to CITE.

I'd be interested to hear OGC thinking on this.

On 18/10/13 08:53, Jody Garnett wrote:
> The OSGeo board meeting today touched on interaction with the OGC, 
> perhaps with the formation of a subcommittee (in case a single 
> volunteer cannot be found to replace Adrian Custer).
> I have been thinking of a different problem, how OSGeo can benefit 
> from our communication with the OGC.
> Initial interaction has focused on promoting OGC standards, but my 
> concern is projects will stop caring. Indeed when I look at our 
> projects implementing OGC services many are not CITE compliant, or 
> have not taken on the cost of officially being certified even if they 
> run the tests from a QA standpoint.
> So here are some ideas:
> * The incubation of the CITE TEAM engine is something obvious where 
> OSGeo can help, and something I will check up on via the incubation list.
> * I would like to see OSGeo projects in the web mapping category, pass 
> through CITE conformance tests. I understand there is a cost 
> associated with officially passing these tests and getting a sticker. 
> It would be good to negotiate to waive this fee, both to promote 
> standards compliance, and show projects a benefit of participation. If 
> the fee cannot be waived (stepping on OGC business model) then we 
> should be able to provide our own "Tested" sticker.
> * For projects that the OGC is not in position to certify (such as the 
> desktop and geospatial libraries). I would like to come up with some 
> form of "implementing" or "tested" sticker. Criterial can be sending a 
> screen snap of connecting to each OSGeo web service.
> I suspect the above activities could be co-ordinated with upgrading 
> the version of the software package provided to OSGeo live. This would 
> keep the qualification current, although I hesitate to volunteer 
> groups for more work. Perhaps we can just include the "sticker" on the 
> OSGeo live documentation pages as an incentive.
> -- 
> Jody Garnett
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