[OSGeo-Standards] What should we do about OGC Standard writups on OSGeo-Live

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Sun Apr 30 14:24:36 PDT 2017

OSGeo-Live team,

Our OSGeo-Live documentation overviews is currently more comprehensive 
than what you can find here: 

(These OGC docs only cover a few standards)

Documentation about OGC standards found in Wikipedia is also more 
comprehensive than the OGC docs.

Since our OSGeo-Live standards documentation is not updated or 
maintained I think we should drop the OSGeo-Live Project overviews for 
OGC standards. I would like to reference OGC documentation, but as yet, 
I don't think the OGC documentation breadth is up to a point where it 
could be considered production ready, and as such I don't think we 
should reference it.


If you would like help in authoring such OGC Standards documentation, 
then please let me know. Do to the extent of scope required, this would 
require funding. This is a task I'd personally like to be involved in.

Warm regards,


On 26/4/17 3:10 pm, Scott Simmons wrote:
> Hi Cameron,
> The documentation will be “living” and subject to intermittent update, 
> so you can consider the work in the URL provided to be ready for 
> production, even though it will evolve. We are implementing such 
> documentation as a permanent and maintained program and will extend 
> this documentation to other standards (including new standards as they 
> are published). We do not yet have a timeline for “catch-up” of 
> existing standards.
> Best Regards,
> Scott
>> On Apr 25, 2017, at 3:10 PM, Cameron Shorter 
>> <cameron.shorter at gmail.com <mailto:cameron.shorter at gmail.com>> wrote:
>> Hi Scott,
>> Thanks for your response and URL. Could you please update us on 
>> current status and schedule for OGC documentation.
>> * Is the documentation at 
>> http://cite.opengeospatial.org/pub/cite/files/edu/index.html 
>> considered draft, ready for production, other?
>> * Is there a maintenance program in place to ensure that this 
>> documentation is continuously kept up to date? Eg: to update existing 
>> documentation whenever a new standard is published.
>> * It appears that the URL provided only mentions WMS KML, SLD, SE, 
>> CSW standards. Is there any commitment to generate documentation for 
>> other standards?
>> Warm regards, Cameron
>> On 26/4/17 2:12 am, Scott Simmons wrote:
>>> Hi Cameron,
>>> OGC would very much like to be the source of documentation where 
>>> possible to keep you from duplicating effort! Perhaps you could link 
>>> to our material where it is current and useful (as you referenced in 
>>> your mail) and I will be sure to keep you informed as we accelerate 
>>> our “implementer-friendly” standards documentation. Examples of such 
>>> documentation can be found here:
>>> http://cite.opengeospatial.org/pub/cite/files/edu/index.html
>>> Where the OSGeo community has developed superior documentation, you 
>>> may want to stick with that material until we get our material ready.
>>> Best Regards,
>>> Scott
>>> Scott Simmons
>>> Executive Director, Standards Program
>>> Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)
>>> tel +1 970 682 1922
>>> mob +1 970 214 9467
>>> ssimmons at opengeospatial.org <mailto:ssimmons at opengeospatial.org>
>>> The OGC: Making Location Count…
>>> www.opengeospatial.org <http://www.opengeospatial.org/>
>>>> On Apr 24, 2017, at 6:00 PM, Cameron Shorter 
>>>> <cameron.shorter at gmail.com <mailto:cameron.shorter at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>> To date, OSGeo-Live documentation has included write ups of a 
>>>> number of OGC Standards (including both English master text and 
>>>> translations). [1]
>>>> However, this documentation hasn't been maintained for a number of 
>>>> years.
>>>> As we go through rationalising what we continue to include on 
>>>> OSGeo-Live, we are wondering what should be done about OGC 
>>>> standards text on OSGeo-Live.
>>>> I'm aware of the OGC has created some material [2], which on first 
>>>> glance looks to be more complete and more current than the 
>>>> OSGeo-Live material.
>>>> I'm interested to hear thoughts (especially from the OGC) on what 
>>>> we should do in moving forward.
>>>> * Should we drop OSGeo-Live write up of OGC Standards all together, 
>>>> as it is not core business of OSGeo? (This would free up some space 
>>>> on OSGeo-Live)
>>>> * Should we provide a reference to a OGC Standards URL? If so, 
>>>> where would that be?
>>>> * Should we make a copy OGC standards into OSGeo-Live docs? If so, 
>>>> who will take responsibility for writing and maintaining the build 
>>>> scripts.
>>>> * Would the OGC want to investigate using OSGeo-Live's existing 
>>>> translation community to translate OGC docs? If so, how should this 
>>>> be approached and who would like to coordinate it?
>>>> Thoughts will be welcomed.
>>>> [1] https://live.osgeo.org/en/standards/standards.html
>>>> [2] https://github.com/opengeospatial/ogc_school
>>>> -- 
>>>> Cameron Shorter
>>>> M +61 419 142 254
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>> -- 
>> Cameron Shorter
>> M +61 419 142 254

Cameron Shorter
M +61 419 142 254

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