[Tilecache] Apache2 mod_wsgi and Service.load(*cfgs)

Soenke J. Peters peters+tilecache.openlayers.org at opcenter.de
Mon Mar 9 09:35:53 EDT 2009


while trying to move tilecache from mod_python to mod_wsgi, I've run
into the problem that its config files were not read.

In TileCache.Service, there are some lines reading:
... = Service.load(*cfgs)

I thought that this *arguments syntax is only valid in the _definition_
of functions (please tell me, if I'm wrong, I'm new to Python)?

Finally, my working tilcecache.wsgi boils down to this (merely a
cut'n'paste, as I didn't want to touch TileCache.Service):

# In Apache2's config:
#  WSGIScriptAlias /tilecache /var/www/mapserver/tilecache/tilecache.wsgi

import os, sys
tilecachepath = '/var/www/mapserver/tilecache'
from TileCache.Service import Service, wsgiHandler

cfgfiles = (os.path.join(tilecachepath, "tilecache.cfg"))

theService = {}
def wsgiApp (environ, start_response):
    global theService

    cfgs  = cfgfiles
    if not theService:
        theService = Service.load(cfgs)
    return wsgiHandler(environ, start_response, theService)

application = wsgiApp

  ____   Soenke Jan Peters
 |_  _|    22395 Hamburg, Germany
 ._||      E-Mail & Jabber/XMPP: peters at opcenter.de
           WWW: http://opcenter.de, GnuPG Key-ID: 0xF358FDCA

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