[Ubuntu] About QGIS 1.3.0 installation in Jaunty and newer versions of ubuntu

Marc Coevoet sintsixtus at gmail.com
Sat Apr 3 02:51:27 EDT 2010

vega_l at yahoo.com wrote:
> Dear list
> Good day, I believe you're aware of the Arramagong live CD, a complete 
> system working in Xubuntu with a lot of open source GIS software.
> I tried to follow the installation scripts to install the same software 
> in Ubuntu Jaunty 64bits and I had a difficulty involving a dependency 
> version problem while trying to install QGIS 1.3.0 ("Mimas").

I have the standard ubuntu jaunty here, and what do I see:

When I install qgis, I get Encelada 1.4

So don't bother with arra/qgis.

I'm working on an atom processor/2Gb ram, and I use the LXDE window manager.

ps: /etc/apt/sources.list

marc at mobii:~/UK$ cat /etc/apt/sources.list
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#geo pkg
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