[Ubuntu] Update (Was: My actions after the IRC meeting)

Andreas Tille andreas at an3as.eu
Fri Sep 20 02:52:26 PDT 2013


I'd like to give a short update about recent actions.

At first what I forgot in my summary:  Please consider a Debian GIS
sprint / face to face meeting!  There is a really good chance for doing
so in mid-Novermber[A] and I have just put my name on the list of
participants[B].  Please subscribe as well and register a sprint[C]!!!

On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 07:24:23PM +0200, Andreas Tille wrote:
> as you know yesterday we had an IRC meeting[1] and I want to present
> first results from the meeting.
> 1. Moved debian-gis from SVN to Git
> -----------------------------------
> As you hopefully know the debian-gis source package also contain the
> tasks which are responsible for the web sentinel[2].  In the meeting it
> was decided to move it from SVN to Git.  So if you
>    debcheckout --user=<you> debian-gis
> you get only a README.status file pointing to the new location[3].
> Note to Hamish: You see that I did not followed your initial wish
> to move it to pkg-grass area.  You had the reasoning:
> Sep 16 22:38:26 <Hamish_B>      better to put debiangis things in debiangis repo IMO, then have blends be the servant not the master
> because there is no such thing like a master-servant relation.
> Currently most Blends are inside blends/project and as long as
> there is no more stringent reason to change this it has some
> advantages to stick here.  I ensured that the interested members
> of the IRC meeting yesterday are granted commit-permissions by
> adding
>   Francesco Lovergine (frankie)
>   Hamish Bowman (hamish-guest)
>   Bas Couwenberg (sebastic-guest)
> to the Blends team.  If this should show any drawback we can
> move the Git repository easily.

Bas Couwenberg has just used this permissions and worked on the tasks
> 2. Wrote script to easily trigger websentinel creation
> ------------------------------------------------------
> I mentioned yesterday that it is documented how to receate the web
> sentinel after changing the tasks[4].  To smoothen your learning curve
> I added a small script[5] which you can call like
>    blends_websentinel_update debian-gis
> to trigger the creation of the web pages[6].  I hope you consider this
> useful.  Please test, whether it really works for you.  Please note that
> the script also fetches a logfile which contains useful information
> about packages that are not found (may be spelling errors, different
> name of binary and source package - you always need to specify source
> packages).
Thanks to his testing Bas detected some problem with this script which
was actually not responsible but the code that created the web sentinel
files was to sloppy regarding file permissions.  This is fixed now and
I'm positive that the script works as expected.  So if you want to work
on Debian GIS tasks there is no excuse any more that it is to
complicated.  Editing a Wiki is more complicated with way worse result.
So please test it for using your planing of reasonable Debian GIS tasks.

> 3. OSGEO categories
> -------------------
> Hamish pointed me to a set of OSGEO categories[7].  I promised to
> inject these into the Blends framework and did the first one while
> the IRC meeting was running.  Because this is high on my todo list
> I think I manage this before my vacation.

I just fullfilled my promise and injected the according tasks - They
are prepended by osgeo-* to make an ease distinction.  This prefix should
be dropped once the tasks are considered sensible and fitting.

For those who are interested (Hamish, I guess you are, because it was
your proposal) I must admit that I'm not very impressed by this
assemblage of vague names without any hint for existing packages.  I'm
no GIS expert and I might be ignorant but at least in its current
state it is no big help.  I'd recommend adding the fields


as per Blends documentation[2] at least.  This would make the packages
at least visible in the todo list.

You can easily see what packages are affected when running

   blends_websentinel_update debian-gis

and look into the file debian-gis.log.

> 4. Update osm2pgsql
> -------------------
> "apmon" (whoever this nick might belong to) asked about an upgrade of
> osm2pgsql.  I had a look into this and might at least push the package a
> bit.  No promise that I'll finish it before my VAC (starting at 20.9.).

Jérémy Lal hat some hints[D] on my proposed packaging and volunteered to
commit the accodring changes.  I fixed some of his suggestions which I
considered actually incorrectnesses by myself.  Since I did not wanted
to wait too long I'll leave the changes done by Jérémy for the next
package version and just uploaded.

> 5. Sponsering of osgearth
> -------------------------
> Bas Couwenberg has added osgearth to my SoB[8] page.  I confirm that
> osgearth is on the Blends pages[9] so the SoB criterion is matched.  Bas
> I try to do my best but VAC is approaching (see above).

The package is uploaded but needs to passe the NEW queue since some new
binary packages were created.  An explicite thanks to Bas's really great
work on this package and his excellent responsivity - it was fun to work
together with you Bas.  Hope the package will be processed quickly by

Remark: When working on this package I became aware that it might be
somehow confusing to find packages spread over several PPAs if they
should rather be in Debian (in a recent version).  I'll try to do my
best to help out here.

> 6. Wiki links to new thermometer
> --------------------------------
> There was agreement to link to the new Blends based thermometer[10] on
> DebianGis Wiki[11] and I also replaced this link at [12] and [13].  It
> might make sense to set a redirect on the old thermometer page anyway.

Feel free to turn my summary into a developer news article for d-d-a.

Kind regards


> [1] https://wiki.debian.org/DebianGis/Meeting
> [2] http://blends.alioth.debian.org/blends/ch-sentinel.en.html
> [3] git://anonscm.debian.org/blends/projects/gis.git
> [4] http://blends.alioth.debian.org/blends/ap-DevelDescription.en.html#s-webpagecreation
> [5] http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=blends/website.git;a=blob;f=misc/tools/blends_websentinel_update
> [6] http://blends.alioth.debian.org/gis/tasks/
> [7] https://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/browser/livedvd/gisvm/trunk/bin/install_icons_and_menus.sh#L34
> [8] https://wiki.debian.org/DebianPureBlends/SoB
> [9] http://blends.alioth.debian.org/gis/tasks/workstation#osgearth
> [10] http://blends.alioth.debian.org/gis/thermometer/
> [11] https://wiki.debian.org/DebianGis
> [12] https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/DebianGis
> [13] https://wiki.debian.org/DebianGis/Repository

[A] https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2013/08/msg00003.html
[B] https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/Miniconf-UK/2013 
[C] https://wiki.debian.org/Sprints
[D] https://lists.debian.org/debian-gis/2013/09/msg00015.html


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