[Webcom] More on translation

Lorenzo Becchi lorenzo at ominiverdi.com
Thu Oct 18 11:04:06 EDT 2007

sounds cool to me, Wolf

I'll be pleased to test those modules.


Wolf Bergenheim wrote:
> Hi,
> I think you guys are trying to do something by hand which doesn't need
> to be done by hand. In other words there are Drupal modules to help with
> translation, and to keep the translations in sync. [1] and [2].
> I believe that these modules will be something which make you happy. I
> suggest (with no authority, yet) that we (meaning me when I get popper
> access and stuff) install one or both and give them a spin, and see
> which one we (meaning you, the translators) like better.
> --Wolf
> On 18.10.2007 17:18, Lorenzo Becchi wrote:
>> A cold is a good moment to put away the code and dedicate a little time
>> to translations [1].
>>> I have no understanding of how we should go about keeping translations
>>> synced in future.
>> neither me.
>> I've appreciated Arnulf effort to sign which pages have been changed in
>> the wiki [2].
>> But I think it's not easy to see "*please re-check!*" and then go and
>> try to see what has changed and translate it again.
>> Sponsor Page has very poor text so it is not a problem itself,  but
>> pages with a lot of text inside will be an issue.
>> I can suggest the idea to offer text diff as we make with code for
>> patches, but sounds really weird.
>> So we can go just like this until translators critical mass will be
>> consistent and then reconsider the problem.
>> ciao
>> Lorenzo
>> [1] http://wwww.osgeo.org/node/450
>> [2] http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/Portal_Translation_Status
>> Arnulf Christl wrote:
>>> Hello translators,
>>> this is a first try at trying to set up a process for keeping
>>> translations
>>> up to date. Currently this will have to be a manual process.
>>> I have updated the Sponsor pages for all translations to reflect the
>>> current list of seven sponsors in three categories. Some pages did not
>>> have the category "Supporting Sponsors" yet, so I did some guesswork and
>>> asked people or just left the English title. Please got to your
>>> respective
>>> translation and correct whatever I messed up there. We should try to keep
>>> a few blank lines between titles and sponsor sections so that updating in
>>> future will be easier. Hopefully we will need to update this page a lot
>>> more often...
>>> :-)
>>> I have no understanding of how we should go about keeping translations
>>> synced in future.
>>> I am also not very happy with the Wiki page for translations. It is good
>>> that we have it because we have nothing else but it feels like it is not
>>> the right technology to do it with. If anybody has any ideas on how to
>>> improve this, please let this list know.
>>> Best regards,
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