[intl-discuss] Need for this list?

(Orkney)Toru Mori moritoru at orkney.co.jp
Tue Jan 30 04:12:42 EST 2007


Tim Bowden <tim.bowden at westnet.com.au> wrote:
> I have to admit I have often wondered what should be on this list,
> though I did find it useful when we needed a place to discuss setting up
> an Aust chapter.  Having a separate 'local discussions/Off Topic' list
> in the way the australian group have used this list is probably a good
> thing, especially for non english speaking groups who probably don't
> want to flood the main list with non english messages.  I'd like to hear
> what the non english speakers take on this is, as I may be well off
> track here.

Without reading this list, I would have never known that Australian 
chapter was forimg up. It was good thing.

But there could be other place to be used for such discussions. I do not 
know what topics would be suitable for this list originally. What the term 
"international" means?? So I am "+1" for removing it.

Toru Mori @ Japan Chapter

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