[ZOO-Discuss] ZOO OGR Demo

Gérald Fenoy gerald.fenoy at geolabs.fr
Sun Nov 15 01:09:22 PST 2009

Hi ZOO Tribe Members,
as you know the demo server was provided by Osaka City university,  
unfortunately today, this server as every servers in the media center  
will be unplugged from power source for maintenance tasks.  
Nevertheless, we've made a backup of the ZOO Kernel and ZOO  
ServiceProvider on another small server which was called demo1.zoo-project.org 
. So you can continue to use old urls given on the mailing-list but  
replacing demo per demo1 in each of those urls.

For instance, the old http://demo.zoo-project.org/ogr/ogr-wfs- 
demo.html url become now http://demo1.zoo-project.org/ogr/ogr-wfs-demo.html 

The demo server will be available again tomorrow, monday.

Best regards,

Le 12 nov. 2009 à 16:05, Gérald Fenoy a écrit :

> Hi ZOO Tribe Members,
> a new demo will be available soon, including Union, Intersection,  
> Difference and SymDifference which has been included this afternoon  
> into the ZOO ServiceProvider OGR based Sample.
> Best regards,
> Le 12 nov. 2009 à 13:09, Gérald Fenoy a écrit :
>> I forgot to mention but it is obvious that you could choose also  
>> your output format for RawDataOutput if needed.
>> Kind regards,
>> Le 12 nov. 2009 à 13:03, Gérald Fenoy a écrit :
>>> Hi Guillaume,
>>> as you can choose the DataInput type you could also use a specific  
>>> output format, you only have to describe what is e desired output  
>>> format you want (the same KVP syntax than the one used for  
>>> DataInputs).
>>> You'll find in the following some requests samples using KVP for  
>>>  * sample using the JSON as output in ResponseDocument :
>>>   => http://demo.zoo-project.org/zoo/?request=Execute&service=WPS&version=1.0.0&Identifier=Centroid&DataInputs=InputPolygon=Reference@xlink:href=http%3A%2F%2Fdemo.opengeo.org%2Fgeoserver%2Fows%3FSERVICE%3DWFS%26REQUEST%3DGetFeature%26VERSION%3D1.0.0%26typename%3Dtopp%3Astates%26SRS%3DEPSG%3A4326%26FeatureID%3Dstates.31&ResponseDocument=Result@mimeType=application/json
>>>  * sample using the GML geeometry section in ResponseDocument :
>>>   => http://demo.zoo-project.org/zoo/?request=Execute&service=WPS&version=1.0.0&Identifier=Centroid&DataInputs=InputPolygon=Reference@xlink:href=http%3A%2F%2Fdemo.opengeo.org%2Fgeoserver%2Fows%3FSERVICE%3DWFS%26REQUEST%3DGetFeature%26VERSION%3D1.0.0%26typename%3Dtopp%3Astates%26SRS%3DEPSG%3A4326%26FeatureID%3Dstates.31&ResponseDocument=Result@mimeType=text/xml
>>>  * sample using unsupported output format  (so the default output  
>>> will be used) :
>>>   => http://demo.zoo-project.org/zoo/?request=Execute&service=WPS&version=1.0.0&Identifier=Centroid&DataInputs=InputPolygon=Reference@xlink:href=http%3A%2F%2Fdemo.opengeo.org%2Fgeoserver%2Fows%3FSERVICE%3DWFS%26REQUEST%3DGetFeature%26VERSION%3D1.0.0%26typename%3Dtopp%3Astates%26SRS%3DEPSG%3A4326%26FeatureID%3Dstates.31&ResponseDocument=Result@mimeType=text/html
>>> So you could define what are the inputs type and what should be  
>>> the output one :)
>>> Hope this was clear enough and answer you question.
>>> Let me know,
>>> regards,
>>> Le 11 nov. 2009 à 22:04, Guillaume Sueur a écrit :
>>>> is json chosen automatically from http user-agent then ? WPS is  
>>>> not only
>>>> a browser service. so there should be a way to specify the desired
>>>> output format.
>>>> Le mercredi 11 novembre 2009 à 22:00 +0100, rldhont a écrit :
>>>>> I think it's coll to use GML and have a JSON because GML sucks  
>>>>> in a browser.
>>>>> Well it's my point of view.
>>>>> Guillaume Sueur a écrit :
>>>>>> Cool !
>>>>>> but as Eric mentionned previously, I don't understand either  
>>>>>> why a
>>>>>> WFS/GML geometry for input gets a geojson for output. Nothing  
>>>>>> seems to
>>>>>> specify it in the request. I think the format should be  
>>>>>> consistant
>>>>>> between input and output unless requested different.
>>>>>> Thanks  for your efforts in putting together this first demo.
>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>> Guillaume
>>>>>> Le mercredi 11 novembre 2009 à 21:20 +0100, rldhont a écrit :
>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>> I'm glad to annonce a new version of ZOO OGR Demo :
>>>>>>> http://demo.zoo-project.org/ogr/ogr-wfs-demo.html
>>>>>>> This one is fully integrated with the ZOO project design and  
>>>>>>> add 1 new
>>>>>>> capability : choose a distance for the buffer processing.
>>>>>>> Enjoy!
>>>>>>> René-Luc D'Hont
>>>>>>> 3Liz
>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>> Zoo-discuss mailing list
>>>>>>> Zoo-discuss at gisws.media.osaka-cu.ac.jp
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>>>>> Zoo-discuss mailing list
>>>>> Zoo-discuss at gisws.media.osaka-cu.ac.jp
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>>>> Zoo-discuss mailing list
>>>> Zoo-discuss at gisws.media.osaka-cu.ac.jp
>>>> http://gisws.media.osaka-cu.ac.jp/mailman/listinfo/zoo-discuss
>>> Gérald Fenoy
>>> gerald.fenoy at geolabs.fr
>>> Siège social :
>>> Futur Building I
>>> 1280, avenue des Platanes
>>> 34970 Lattes
>>> Tél. fixe : 04 67 53 67 37
>>> Tél. portable : 06 70 08 25 39
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Zoo-discuss mailing list
>>> Zoo-discuss at gisws.media.osaka-cu.ac.jp
>>> http://gisws.media.osaka-cu.ac.jp/mailman/listinfo/zoo-discuss
>> Gérald Fenoy
>> gerald.fenoy at geolabs.fr
>> Siège social :
>> Futur Building I
>> 1280, avenue des Platanes
>> 34970 Lattes
>> Tél. fixe : 04 67 53 67 37
>> Tél. portable : 06 70 08 25 39
>> _______________________________________________
>> Zoo-discuss mailing list
>> Zoo-discuss at gisws.media.osaka-cu.ac.jp
>> http://gisws.media.osaka-cu.ac.jp/mailman/listinfo/zoo-discuss
> Gérald Fenoy
> gerald.fenoy at geolabs.fr
> Siège social :
> Futur Building I
> 1280, avenue des Platanes
> 34970 Lattes
> Tél. fixe : 04 67 53 67 37
> Tél. portable : 06 70 08 25 39
> _______________________________________________
> Zoo-discuss mailing list
> Zoo-discuss at gisws.media.osaka-cu.ac.jp
> http://gisws.media.osaka-cu.ac.jp/mailman/listinfo/zoo-discuss

Just a ZOO Monkey
gerald.fenoy at geolabs.fr

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