[ZOO-Discuss] Problem with XML execute request
Gérald Fenoy
gerald.fenoy at geolabs.fr
Thu May 12 03:52:52 PDT 2011
Hi Luca,
really nice to hear from you and moreover to hear that the ZOO-Project and the
WPS-GRASS-Bridge are working well :)
> -- /var/www/zoo/.htaccess
> RewriteEngine on
> RewriteRule (.*)/(.*) /cgi-bin/zoo_loader.cgi?metapath=$1 [L,QSA]
> RewriteRule (.*) /cgi-bin/zoo_loader.cgi [L,QSA]
> -- /usr/lib/cgi-bin/main.cfg
> serverAddress = http://srvcarto.fmach.it/zoo
> tmpPath = /var/www/tmp/
> tmpUrl = ../tmp/
Some details about the RewriteRule you set. If you planned to use a tmp directory
as subdirectory of the zoo directory where you put the .htaccess file, then you should
specify conditions to apply RewriteRules, using the RewriteCond directive.
For example, you can ensure that the file requested doesn't exist and is not a
directory as presented here [1]. So this way you can access subdirectories and any
existing files.
Hope it helps,
thanks again for providing feedbacks,
best regards,
Gérald Fenoy
gerald.fenoy at geolabs.fr
[1] http://zoo-project.org/trac/wiki/ZooWebSite/ZooKernel/InstallationNew#ApacheZOO.htaccess
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