[Zoo-discuss] Mapserver support: WCS input?

Rémi Cresson remi.cresson at teledetection.fr
Thu Aug 27 10:12:10 PDT 2015

AFAIU It seems to be related to the header information prepended to the 
TIFF with WCS 1.1.0 (see 
-With WCS 1.0.0 zoo works fine.
-I've done a quick search on the web, about how to download only the 
attached binary data with curl C api, but I found nothing.

On 26/08/2015 10:18, Rémi Cresson wrote:
> Hello,
> I tried the Mapserver zoo support, and it works quite well. It is 
> really cool to have a WMS or WCS at output !
> Now, what I am trying to do is to use a WCS to input a WPS process. To 
> make it simple, I use a previously generated WCS output with Zoo, and 
> I try to reinject it in a WPS process.
> I tried the POST method, with various URL (encoded/decoded), and I 
> tried to build a xml request (using the same encapsulating scheme as 
> the previously generetad output) then send it with curl.
> Up to now, it failed (I have noticed that Zoo fails to download the 
> input chunk in the tmp directory).
> Does Zoo currently supports WCS as input of a WPS process? If yes, I 
> would be pleased to know how to properly write the execute request!
> Cheers,
> Rémi

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