[Zoo-discuss] ZOO-Project 1.6.0 on next OSGeoLiveDVD release

Luca Delucchi lucadeluge at gmail.com
Tue May 23 13:45:05 PDT 2017

On 15 May 2017 at 10:48, Fenoy Gerald <gerald.fenoy at geolabs.fr> wrote:
> Dear all,

Dear Gerald,

> I come to y ou to know if anybody would be available to help in updating the documentation for the ZOO-Project on OSGeoLiveDVD.
> Indeed, the documentation is outdated in the sense that from the previous release we  have added a landing page presenting links to local exemple UI that give access to the same demo as the one available on the website [1].
> The demo available on OSGeoLiveDVD can be accessed from the ZOO-Project item in the start > gis > web services submenu.
> The documentation present only the OGR Spatial Tools exemple when it should present briefly all the demonstration interfaces.
> Note that the deadline for achieving this is on June 5th so we need feedbacks soon.

I can help.
I could spend half/one day next week on it, but I would like to work
with someone else also because I'm using ZOO less then before and I
don't know at all the latest versions...

I could also help on GRASS GIS services for [1]

> I hope to hear from you.
> Best regards,
> [1] http://www.zoo-project.org/Resources/Examples



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