[Zoo-discuss] Information required about Ubuntu Bionic zoo packages

Suzana Barreto suzana.barreto at envsys.co.uk
Wed Sep 12 01:06:55 PDT 2018

Hi all,

I have installed the zoo-kernel package for Ubuntu Bionic from the OSGeoLive
repository  at https://launchpad.net/~osgeolive/+archive/ubuntu/
published&field.series_filter=bionic and have managed to get it up and
running but I do not have any services listed when I do a GetCapabilities
request. I realise that I need to compile the services and copy over their
config files to the cgi-bin folder but the compilation on some services are
failing.   On the OSGeoLive repo page, I notice that there are zoo-project
packages, zoo-services packages and libzoo-service packages.  If I want to
be able to take advantage of the OTB and other services, is it best to
install each package individually, or does the zoo-project package provide
everything required?

I would also like to develop my own python services - do I need to install
the libzoo-service and libzoo-service-dev packages to do that.

Also, I see that the python that the zoo-kernel was compiled with is 2.7,
does that mean that I cannot create python services with python 3?

Any help much appreciated.


*Dr Suzana BarretoSoftware AnalystEnvironment Systems*
Tel: +44 (0) 1970 626688

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