[ZOO-PSC] ZOO-PSC governance and voting

Daniel Kastl daniel at georepublic.de
Sun Feb 21 21:43:06 PST 2010

Hi Venka,

Regarding the booth I want to share some experience with last year's booth
for Orkney in Sydney. In short, the overall cost of the booth (middle size)
was about double of the cost of the rent written in the prospectus.

It could be something Sydney specific and I don't remember prices in detail,
but this is what the additional costs consisted of:

   - liability insurance (it was pretty high in my opinion and a lot of time
   I had to spend for finding an insurance broker)
   - tax (prices in Sydney were written without tax)
   - furniture (rental furniture was really expensive and a booth in Sydney
   came without any chair and desk)
   - they would have charged very high fee for LAN connection. Fortunately
   WLAN was very good in the venue.

So in the end I felt it didn't matter that much to take a small or a middle
size booth, because the additional costs were quite high.
The first exhibitor prospectus didn't mention clearly additional costs.
Later with the exhibitor I felt quite surpised.


2010/2/22 Venkatesh Raghavan <raghavan at media.osaka-cu.ac.jp>

> Massimiliano Cannata wrote:
> ...
> >> 7) ZOO-Booth at FOSS4G-2010.
> >>
> > + 1 Maxi (how much does it cost? Who is funding?, I can provide my
> > support thou)
> Two kinds of booth and related payments as below;
> Commercial
> Cost: € 2.500 (VAT included)
> Government / Nonprofit / Universities
> Cost: € 1.250 (VAT included)
> ZOO-Project will fall into the commercial category, I think.
> So we need to find € 2.500 + Insurance cost (I cannot find
> info about that on the FOSS4G2010 Website).
> One option that some of us (Gerald, Nick, Jeff, Hayashi and
> me) are considering is to clip-in some money to fund
> ZOO-Project promotions for 2010 (March 2010-Dec 2010).
> If any one on the PSC has some better ideas or would like
> to chip-in some funds, most welcome for further discussions.
> Best
> Venka
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