[ZOO-PSC] FOSS4G Call for Workshop

Daniel Kastl daniel at georepublic.de
Tue Jan 18 16:41:48 PST 2011

Hi Gerald,

Good idea to discuss this on the mailing list.
I will just comment a few points ... and try to keep it short, too ;-)

> I would like to make you short overview of what I would like to submit as
> workshop (I also think about last year when some people told us that it was
> good to get a workshop about ZOO-Project but they would appreciate also if
> we made a tutorial about ZOO-Project as it is free of charge for attendees)
> and also shorter version as tutorial :

This is a good point. I haven't thought about this advantage of the
tutorials. So you will likely have a larger audience.
I'm not sure though how the workshop committee handles submissions for both:
workshop and tutorial. It won't be a WPS or ZOO conference and there will be
plenty of submission, so I don't think one topic will get more than one

>  1) ...
>  2) ...
>  3) ...

Personally I like workshops that combine multiple FOSS4G software, because I
think this is a key advantage of FOSS4G to work so well through open
standards. I don't like so much the "Introduction into ..." topics covering
only one single project.

> So I hope that experienced PSC members in workshop can tell what is the
> better way. I know that it is a huge work to prepare a workshop, but from my
> point of view, last ZOO-Project FOSS4G Workshop was also a big advantage for
> our project as we provided good material introducing services implementation
> using ZOO-Project, I think.

Thinking about pgRouting project, the workshop(s) of the last year(s)
probably reduced the number of (beginner) questions on the mailing list by
80% ... just I guess. I agree that good materials for new users are great
and a well prepared workshop is very valuable for the project. It's for sure
a good not a waste of time.

But I also agree that preparing a workshop is a lot of work, so it's
probably a good idea to ask, who would be interested in (and available for)
preparing a ZOO workshop. Then you can see if two submissions are possible
or not. (Speaking about my, I will probably submit the pgRouting workshop as
every year ;-) ... it has improved over the years and this year is probably
less to prepare. But it's still enough work).


Georepublic UG & Georepublic Japan
eMail: daniel.kastl at georepublic.de
Web: http://georepublic.de
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