[ZOO-PSC] Motion for going to Montreal Code Sprint

Gérald Fenoy gerald.fenoy at geolabs.fr
Sun Jan 30 05:35:03 PST 2011

many thanks for your quick reply.

Le 30 janv. 2011 à 13:38, Venkatesh Raghavan a écrit :

> On 2011/01/30 21:09, Daniel Kastl wrote:
>> Just out of interest: what do you think will be the impact of the Montreal
>> code sprint to the ZOO project (except you and Nick working on ZOO
>> code)? Are there other developers supposed to join working on ZOO? Or are
>> other WPS projects going to attend this event?
> Good question! However, such impacts cannot be measured unless there is
> particopation form our end. So instead of getting into chiken or egg
> argusment, let us be proactive.

I think I get your point Daniel. I'm not sure that some other WPS participation will 
occur or that we can bring more developer to the team just by going to the code 

For me it was more because it is an OSGeo Code Sprint that I wanted to go there.
I think that ZOO-Project have to be as much as it can involved in OSGeo as we are
mainly speaking about OSGeo in each conference / workshop we do.

Maybe it is even time to think about OSGeo incubation process, what do you think ?
Personally I think it is time to start this.

>> If this is the case, I'm also +1
>> Otherwise I'm not sure it wouldn't be better to spend the money for Bolsena
>> code sprint and gather some more ZOO developers there. Most of them seem to
>> live in Europe, right?
> Another good idea!! Would not be a bad idea to participate in Bolsena too.
> But I think this is more of a Geonework code sprint. The time is ripe to
> have some code-sprint in Osaka or Asia.

Can be really great indeed to get an Asian Code Sprint happening :) For the Bolsena 
Code Sprint I understood as Venka it was more GeoNetwork oriented, correct me if I'm 
wrong here.

> Venka

Hope to hear from you,

Gérald Fenoy
gerald.fenoy at geolabs.fr

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