[ZOO-PSC] Requesting funds to go the FOSS4G 2017

Fenoy Gerald gerald.fenoy at geolabs.fr
Tue Jul 25 02:30:33 PDT 2017

Hi Markus and all,
I am fine with your comments and agree with them.

Looking at the current result of the votes, I wonder if it makes sense to wait for the other to vote. Indeed I tend to agree on what has been said by the PSC members that has voted +0 so I guess I should not feel shy to not attend this FOSS4G.

If there is no more vote gathered until Friday, I will inform the FOSS4G LOC that they need to remove the presentation and the workshops that has been accepted. I will also cancel my hotel reservation.

Best regards,

Gérald Fenoy

> Le 21 juil. 2017 à 21:24, Markus Neteler <neteler at osgeo.org> a écrit :
> Hi Gérald,
> I'm >+0 on this (if >+0 exists):
> - it should be equal for all requesting OSGeo projects or, better, another way be found;
> + many projects are tight on budget and there is no point that developers spend their private money on top of their invested time;
> + too high conference cost is prohibitive, hence some compensation is needed.
> In summary, a strongish +0.
> Best regards from geobeers at FOSS4G-Europe,
> Markus
> On Jul 10, 2017 3:32 PM, "Fenoy Gerald" <gerald.fenoy at geolabs.fr> wrote:
> Dear ZOO-PSC members,
> I do apologize to come back to you so late about this specific query but at this point there is no other way around, so I have to send you this email.
> I would like to request for funds for being able to attend the FOSS4G 2017 in Boston. Indeed, as you have probably noticed we have been accepted for both the ZOO-Project and the MapMint workshop.
> Thanks to this acceptance, we got free tickets to attend the conference. Then for the MapMint workshop we asked for refund after the conference, this should make 750 $US when this money is send.
> Still, this does not even cover the fees I have advanced already for the flight tickets …. (bought in january this year for having cheap price).
> I have also booked a hotel, but for the first time in my life when preparing my journey to the global FOSS4G I have selected a hotel that I can cancel few days before the conference. Only the hotel for the minimum number of nights is around 1200€ which sounds not very reasonable for someone like me that is only willing to promote the software.
> Obviously there will be a Code Sprint there, and we have filled the fund request to OSGeo at the end of the last year (if I recall correctly the dates) for attending code sprint.
> So I would like to request for the full amount of money that we have asked to the OSGeo, so 2000€, for attending the global FOSS4G this year.
> I hope to hear from you and we can accept my proposal, in other case I will have to inform the FOSS4G LOC that both MapMint and ZOO-Project workshops and the ZOO-Project presentation will be canceled. Looking at the price for attending the conference, I still wonder if our place is there or not as selecting attendees on the money they are able to expense during the summer period is probably far from our initial vision … ( when I say « our place » I mean a place for any free software).
> I hope to hear your thoughts on this matter.
> Best regards,
> Gérald Fenoy
> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/User:Djay
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