[GeoNode-users] linked_resources API always return 404

Alexandre Gacon alexandre.gacon at gmail.com
Wed Oct 11 06:18:18 PDT 2023

Yes the customer uses a vanilla GeoNode.

The version returned by the browser is  : 4.1.0.dev0.

Le mer. 11 oct. 2023 à 12:13, Giovanni Allegri <
giovanni.allegri at geosolutionsgroup.com> a écrit :

> Are you running a vanilla GeoNode (i.e. not a GeoNode Project)?
> Can you share the content of the file geonode/__init__.py? It contains
> the  __version__ variable.
> Otherwise you con obtain it from the browser:
> https://yourgeonode.com/version.txt (example
> <https://development.demo.geonode.org/version.txt>).
> Giovanni
> On Wed, Oct 11, 2023 at 10:13 AM Alexandre Gacon <
> alexandre.gacon at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> The requirements file which is embedded in the docker image.
>> Le mar. 10 oct. 2023 à 17:59, Alexandre Gacon <alexandre.gacon at gmail.com>
>> a écrit :
>>> I will get it as soon as possible.
>>> Le mar. 10 oct. 2023 à 17:58, Giovanni Allegri <
>>> giovanni.allegri at geosolutionsgroup.com> a écrit :
>>>> Paste here the content of the src/requirements.txt file.
>>>> Giovanni
>>>> On Tue, Oct 10, 2023 at 5:54 PM Alexandre Gacon <
>>>> alexandre.gacon at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Giovanni,
>>>>> Thanks for the reply. I had a look at the docker compose file for the
>>>>> version so probably this is not the good place to get it.
>>>>> What do you suggest to retrieve the correct version?
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> Alexandre
>>>>> Le mar. 10 oct. 2023 à 17:29, Giovanni Allegri <
>>>>> giovanni.allegri at geosolutionsgroup.com> a écrit :
>>>>>> This endpoint has been available since version 4.1.0
>>>>>> <https://github.com/GeoNode/geonode/pull/10941>.
>>>>>> Giovanni
>>>>>> On Tue, Oct 10, 2023 at 8:58 AM Alexandre Gacon via geonode-users <
>>>>>> geonode-users at lists.osgeo.org> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>> For a few weeks now, our geonode instance always returns a 404 error
>>>>>>> when we try to use the linked_resources endpoint of the API.
>>>>>>> As a result:
>>>>>>> - The map preview in the right side of a dataset is never displayed
>>>>>>> with an ever lasting loader
>>>>>>> - When we try to create a new map, we also have an ever lasting
>>>>>>> loader, we never get to display the default basemap
>>>>>>> - Existing maps are displayed correctly
>>>>>>> The problem happens with either layers in database or with new layer
>>>>>>> uploaded with shapefile.
>>>>>>> GeoNode version : 4.0
>>>>>>> GeoServer version : 2.20.6
>>>>>>> Do you have any idea on what's going on?
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Alexandre Gacon
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>>>>>> GeoServer Professional Services from the experts!
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>>>>>> Dott. Giovanni Allegri
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>>>>>> cell:     +39 345 2815774
>>>>>> fax:      +39 0584 1660272
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>>>> --
>>>> ==
>>>> GeoServer Professional Services from the experts!
>>>> Visit http://bit.ly/gs-services-us for more information.
>>>> ==
>>>> Dott. Giovanni Allegri
>>>> Technical Lead / Project Manager
>>>> GeoSolutions Group
>>>> phone: +39 0584 962313
>>>> cell:     +39 345 2815774
>>>> fax:      +39 0584 1660272
>>>> https://www.geosolutionsgroup.com/
>>>> http://twitter.com/geosolutions_it
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>> --
>> Alexandre Gacon
> --
> ==
> GeoServer Professional Services from the experts!
> Visit http://bit.ly/gs-services-us for more information.
> ==
> Dott. Giovanni Allegri
> Technical Lead / Project Manager
> GeoSolutions Group
> phone: +39 0584 962313
> cell:     +39 345 2815774
> fax:      +39 0584 1660272
> https://www.geosolutionsgroup.com/
> http://twitter.com/geosolutions_it
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Alexandre Gacon
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