[QGIS-Developer] Plugin licensing requirements

Topi Tjukanov topi at gispo.fi
Thu Jan 7 01:12:53 PST 2021

Howdy list,

One question that keeps popping up with QGIS plugin development is one
regarding the licensing requirements. As per my understanding the plugins
have to be GPL compatible (GPL2 or higher) and that is what these
resources also suggest:

If that is the requirement, why plugins are accepted to the official
repository with various licenses and the requirement is not enforced in any
For example here are a few I found quickly with a random check:

   - MIT license: https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/XYZHubConnector/
   - MIT license: https://github.com/gee-community/qgis-earthengine-plugin
   - No license: https://github.com/riccardoklinger/amaps

So if this really is a requirement, should this be enforced somehow and
checked when plugins are accepted to the official repository?

Kind regards,
Topi Tjukanov
Gispo Oy
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