[Qgis-user] Delete attribute in layer properties fields forShapefile SpatiaLite file

Francois Terreno francois.terreno at Safe-mail.net
Tue Feb 11 09:53:19 PST 2014

 I found a preliminary solution: Delete attribute in layer properties fields for Shapefile SpatiaLite file 


I tested 3 versions of QGIS 2.0.1:

2 Ubuntu 12.04 versions and

one windows version

The stable release for Ubuntu 12.04 shows the bug for a shapefile editing.

I have not tested against a SpatiaLite file.

The other 2 versions work well.


Here are the details:

Parameter - Ubuntu 12.04 stable 2.01 - Ubuntu 12.04 unstable - Windows

Qt - 4.8.1   4.8.1   4.7.1

GDAL/OGR   1.7.3   1.10.0   1.10.1

GEOS   3.2.2-CAPI-1.6.2   3.3.8-CAPI-1.7.8 - 3.3.8-CAPI-1.7.8

PostgreSQL-Client   9.1.3   9.1.9 - 8.3.10

QWT   5.2.2   5.2.2   5.2.1

QScintilla2   unkown   unkown   2.6.2

QGIS-Code   unkown   unkown   ebebdf3

SpatiaLite - 3.0.0-beta   4.1.0-beta   4.1.1

PROJ.4   470   480 - 480

 Kind regards
Francois Terreno
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