[OSGeo-Conf] FOSS4G-NA -- request for financial records

María Arias de Reyna delawen at gmail.com
Fri Jun 15 06:12:15 PDT 2018

On Fri, Jun 15, 2018 at 2:49 PM, Marc Vloemans <marcvloemans1 at gmail.com>

> Hi All,
> Indeed, over the last three FOSS4G NA’s there were no financials
> published. Eclipse Foundation/LocationTech has been the supplier of
> production/logistical/marketing services. That is a different arrangement
> from other FOSS4G’s. Call it a historical anomaly.
> Without the involvement of the amount of volunteers usually involved In
> organising such event, EF/LT have used the services of various
> sub-contractors. These are suppliers for 12+ years, with rates reflecting
> the longstanding relationship. Divulging the contractual arrangements is
> bad business practice and in many cases against the contractual
> stipulations. Even asking EF/LT as main contractor for monetary info is not
> done. Your companies/employers don’t do this too re clients.
> So again, no numbers are given. For a host of valid and legal reasons.
> However. On the income side anybody can do the math (10% early bird) from
> the publicly available info on the conference website. Extra work to
> provide this seems rather excessive.
> So, framing the discussion in terms of ‘transparency’ is - considering the
> above - somewhat beside the point. In that case no
> The handover to future organisers is secured via the Core Committee. That
> was the ‘client’ of the event.
> What everyone seems to ignore is that harassment and misinformation have
> been happening. In the ‘open’. And that the Board and community at large is
> choosing to ignore this. Which sends a signal as loud as if shouted from
> the rooftops. If that is what we want....

I was agreeing with you until this point.

Why this separation between you and the community? Are you not part of the
community? Did I miss something?

And also, why this separation between the community and the board? Is it
because the CoC team is dormant and we should do something about it? We are
doing something about it. But my search for volunteers is not being very
effective. People tend to think that either that is not something that
affects them or that that is something they don't have to solve (because
they are not the ones that created the harassment). If you have a better
way to handle this, please, enlighten me. Because I am not sure what else
to try besides what we are already trying.

Also, on a personal side, I haven't seen any harassment yet. Maybe I missed
it? Maybe I saw it but didn't see the harassment? How can I, as part of the
community, answer to something that I haven't seen? Did it happen outside
the OSGeo mailing lists? Outside my social network range? How would I know?

And if you (or anyone else) knows there is harassment, why haven't you
pointed at it? Why haven't you told anything until now? I still don't know
where this harassment has happened, you just mentioned an ethereal event I
don't know of, how can I act?
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