[OSGeo-Discuss] FOSS4GNA - Someone is watching you :-o

Gert-Jan van der Weijden - Stichting OSGeo.nl gert-jan at osgeo.nl
Tue Dec 15 14:38:53 PST 2015

First: I took the opportunity to change the subject of this thread to a less shouting version (CAPS LOCK and spam live side-by-side on my email-irritation-scale)



Second: Funny to see how the use of two different channels (mailing list vs. MailChimp) kind of reflect the different approaches to reach the -more of less- same goal.

Any expanding organisation / movement / community comes to a point where the classical channels (like a mailing list) reach their limits, 

and "new" marketing (yuch! marketing==ugly & bad!) channels & methods may help to stretch beyond borders. Which comes at a cost (as Maxi tries to tell, I guess).


Food for thought for the Board face2face meeting in January (and for the entire community) to determine 

- what our goals are

- what our values are

- and how these two compare to each other.



Kind regards, 











Van: Discuss [mailto:discuss-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] Namens Rob Emanuele
Verzonden: dinsdag 15 december 2015 21:51
Aan: David Bianco
CC: OSGeo Discussions
Onderwerp: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] FOSS4GNA - SOMEONE IS WATCHING YOU :-o


Hey David,


The emails on the mailing list were cultivated by past FOSS4G NA attendees, people opting in in other ways, and from lists that were given by members of this and last year's committee. If we're spamming people who didn't opt in, it is not intentional and apologies for the spam (the world certainly doesn't need more spam). We'll take a look at the list moving forward to try to prevent from sending emails to anyone who didn't opt in.





On Tue, Dec 15, 2015 at 2:48 PM, David Bianco <me at davidbianco.net> wrote:

I believe MailChimp has policies against adding emails to your list without a user's authorization.




On Tue, Dec 15, 2015, at 10:16, Rob Emanuele wrote:

Thanks for pointing out that it wasn't yet posted to OSGeo-Discuss, I just posted it.

There's a one-click unsubscribe button from that mailing list, sorry for the spam!


On Tue, Dec 15, 2015 at 12:31 PM, Massimiliano Cannata <massimiliano.cannata at supsi.ch> wrote:

Just a funny note...


Nice to see that LocationTech has a FOSS4G email (!!!! WOW!!!!!) 



that all the link on the received e-mail are connected with my user_id (I have one????? Yes) 



that they are tracked (!!! without inform me !!!) 



that I have been added to a list that i'm not subscribed.... (http://mailchimp.com/about/mcsv/)




Where did they get my e-mail from?

why thy didn't simply post the news to the discussion-osgeo list?

what do they want to track?




If you want to see the FOSS4G-NA without been traced here is the link https://2016.foss4g-na.org/









Massimiliano Cannata

Professore SUPSI in ingegneria Geomatica

Responsabile settore Geomatica


Istituto scienze della Terra


Dipartimento ambiente costruzione e design

Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana

Campus Trevano, CH - 6952 Canobbio


Tel. +41 (0)58 666 62 14 <tel:%2B41%20%280%2958%20666%2062%2014> 

Fax +41 (0)58 666 62 09 <tel:%2B41%20%280%2958%20666%2062%2009> 

massimiliano.cannata at supsi.ch




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