[GeoNode-users] Geonode-Project Inherited by Geonode Production
Alessio Fabiani
alessio.fabiani at geo-solutions.it
Mon Aug 20 02:44:28 PDT 2018
Hi Julierme,
few clarifications on how settings work. It might be useful for your use
1. geonode-project settings
Settings are taken from wsgi.py mostly, pointed from your HTTPD
configuration file.
geonode-project by default tries to use it's own settings which inherits
(by default) from geonode.settings
see here
this line will be converted into
One solution to make it use directly the geonode settings (or other ones)
would be to just change this line. As an instance if you have a
"produtcion_settings.py" on geonode, you could write something like
Or if you have your local_settings.py on GeoNode and you want to use that
ones you can write
os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "geonode.local_settings")
2. Django settings inheritance
In Django settings module can inherits from other ones. This is possible
through the "import" directive.
As an instance, typically, "local_settings" inherits from "settings" in
order to override some of the original properties. Nevertheless there exist
different policies around.
Currently geonode_project does:
a) If *no *geonode_project/local_settings.py exists, it inherits from
geonode/settings.py directly
b) If geonode_project/local_settings.py exists, it inherits from those ones
and local_settings.py (at least the sample ones, no need to use those ones)
inherits from geonode/settings.py
Hope this helps.
Il giorno ven 17 ago 2018 alle ore 18:25 Julierme Pinheiro <
juliermeopensourcedeveloper at gmail.com> ha scritto:
> Hi Alessio,
> Thank you very much for your reply and explanation. I can see all your
> highlights when, according to [1] / fourth marker bullet, I use the WSGI.py
> of geonode-project <WSGIScriptAlias /
> /home/geonode/geonode_proj/geonode_proj/wsgi.py>. I see site_base.css,
> site_index.html and site_base.html being used. However, pointing to
> geonode-project wsgi.py, it will retrieve geonode-project settings.py. And
> there is a problem, because I need the production settings.py.
> In the other hand, If I point to geonode production wsgi.py, it will
> retrieve production settings.py, and that is what I want. Furthermore, yet,
> using production wsgi.py, I created an Alias to geonode-project
> static_root folder in order to have apache2 retrieving site_base.css
> <Alias /static/ /home/geonode/geonode_proj/geonode_proj/static_root> and
> fine, site_base.css is being inherited, while production wsgi.py is being
> used.
> The same analogy, pointing to production wsgi.py which retrieves
> production's settings.py, I created an Alias to geonode_project
> subdirectories in order to get its urls.py and templates and I added the
> <Directory>:
> Alias /geonode_proj/ /home/geonode/geonode_proj/geonode_proj/
> Alias /templates/ /home/geonode/geonode_proj/geonode_proj/templates/
> Alias /site_index.html
> /home/geonode/geonode_proj/geonode_proj/templates/site_index.html
> Alias /site_base.html
> /home/geonode/geonode_proj/geonode_proj/templates/site_base.html
> Alias /geonode_base.html
> /home/geonode/geonode_proj/geonode_proj/templates/geonode_base.htm
> Alias /static/ /home/geonode/geonode_proj/geonode_proj/static_root/
> <Directory "/home/geonode/geonode_proj/geonode_proj/">
> Order allow,deny
> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
> Allow from all
> Require all granted
> </Directory>
> <Directory "/home/geonode/geonode_proj/geonode_proj/templates/">
> Order allow,deny
> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
> Allow from all
> Require all granted
> </Directory>
> <Directory "/home/geonode/geonode_proj/geonode_proj/static_root/">
> Order allow,deny
> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
> Allow from all
> Require all granted
> </Directory>
> Final Response: Using geonode production wsgi.py, and Alias to
> geonode_project/static_root and Alias to geonode_project/templates, geonode
> production retrieves site_base.css in geonode_project, but geonode_project
> site_index.html, site_base.html and geonode_base.html.
> Hypotheses: geonode-production still using its default site_index.html,
> site_base.html and geonode_base.html.
> Test: I copied geonode-project site_index.html, site_base.html to
> geonode-production's template folder.
> Result: geonode-production site changed.
> Conclusions: according to the Result, Test and Final Response, I concluded
> that using geonode-production's wsgi, and Alias to geonode-project
> static_root and templates, geonode-production changes its css, but its
> templates (index and base (footer and header)).
> What I understood so far:
> 1 - Geonode Production installed in a virtualenv
> 2 - Geonode Project installed in the same Geonode Production virtualenv
> 3 - How to change Production site
> 3.1 - Edit site_base.css in geonode_project/static
> 3.2 - Edit site_index.html and site_base.html in geonode_project/templates
> 3.3 - Collect the files through python manage.py collectstatic
> 4 - Edit geonode.conf # http://geonode.org/dev-workshop/#/8/3
> 4.1 .Fourth bullet in # http://geonode.org/dev-workshop/#/8/3. - edit
> /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/geonode.conf replacing the wsgi path to the
> my_geonode/my_geonode/wsgi.py
> In here, says to point to geonode-project wsgi.py, but doing that,
> production settings.py is out of the flow, if I am not wrong. Though I see
> all the changes done through site_base.css, site_index.html, site_base.html.
> 4.2. Fifth bullet in # http://geonode.org/dev-workshop/#/8/3 -
> <Directory "/path/to/my_geonode/">
> Order allow,deny
> Require all granted
> </Directory>
> I did all that except, I am pointing to geonode production wsgi.py in
> order to use production settings.py. Besides the Alias created to
> geonode-project to have its static_root and templates. CSS is being
> retrieved, but site_index.html and site_base.html.
> Thank you very much for your time and patience.
> Kind regards
> Julierme
> [1] http://geonode.org/dev-workshop/#/8/3
> On Fri, Aug 17, 2018 at 5:32 AM, Alessio Fabiani <
> alessio.fabiani at geo-solutions.it> wrote:
>> Hello Julierme,
>> I'm going to start providing to you some pointers on how geonode-project
>> Django template overrides GeoNode core ones.
>> 1. The main URL entry "site_index.html"
>> ------------------------------------------------------
>> This is the very first thing to consider. geonode-project overrides the
>> default GeoNode main index through the "urls.py" file. Instead of using the
>> default GeoNode one, it says to Django to use its own defined here
>> https://github.com/geosolutions-it/geonode-project/blob/master/project_name/templates/site_index.html
>> 2. "site_index.html"
>> --------------------------
>> This one inherits from GeoNode "index.html"
>> see
>> https://github.com/geosolutions-it/geonode-project/blob/master/project_name/templates/site_index.html#L1
>> Nevertheless geonode-project also overrides the "geonode_base.html" (see
>> https://github.com/geosolutions-it/geonode-project/blob/master/project_name/templates/geonode_base.html
>> ) which inherits the local "site_base.html" (see
>> https://github.com/geosolutions-it/geonode-project/blob/master/project_name/templates/site_base.html
>> )
>> 3. "site_base.html"
>> -------------------------
>> The geonode-project "site_base.html" inherits the GeoNode "base.html"
>> Il giorno gio 16 ago 2018 alle ore 22:09 Julierme Pinheiro <
>> juliermeopensourcedeveloper at gmail.com> ha scritto:
>>> Dear users and contributors,
>>> I am still trying to figure out the way Apache2/geonode.conf is
>>> configured in order to have geonode production inheriting the changes in
>>> geonode-project, mainly ./geonode_proj/static_root/css/site_base.css and
>>> ./geonode_proj/templates/site_index.html and site_base.html.
>>> Based on [1] I added the following lines to the geonode.conf which
>>> default configuration is found in [2]:
>>> Alias /static/ /home/geonode/geonode_proj/geonode_proj/static_root/
>>> Alias /templates/ /home/geonode/geonode_proj/geonode_proj/templates/
>>> Alias /site_index.html
>>> /home/geonode/geonode_proj/geonode_proj/templates/site_index.html
>>> Alias /site_base.html
>>> /home/geonode/geonode_proj/geonode_proj/templates/site_base.html
>>> ############################### New Configuration for site inheritance
>>> ###############################
>>> <Directory "/home/geonode/geonode_proj/">
>>> Order allow,deny
>>> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
>>> Allow from all
>>> Require all granted
>>> </Directory>
>>> <Directory "/home/geonode/geonode_proj/geonode_proj/templates/">
>>> Order allow,deny
>>> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
>>> Allow from all
>>> Require all granted
>>> </Directory>
>>> <Directory "/home/geonode/geonode_proj/geonode_proj/static_root/">
>>> Order allow,deny
>>> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
>>> Allow from all
>>> Require all granted
>>> </Directory>
>>> <Directory "/home/geonode/geonode_proj/geonode_proj/">
>>> <Files wsgi.py>
>>> Order deny,allow
>>> Allow from all
>>> Require all granted
>>> </Files>
>>> Order allow,deny
>>> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
>>> Allow from all
>>> IndexOptions FancyIndexing
>>> </Directory>
>>> #######################################################################################################3
>>> Within this configuration, geonode production is inheriting the
>>> site_base.css in ./geonode-proj/static_root/css/, but site_index.html and
>>> site_base.html.
>>> I also have to mention that WSGI being used is production
>>> WSGIScriptAlias / /home/geonode/my_geonode/my_geonode/wsgi.py.
>>> My first guest is: although I have created all the Alias path (including
>>> the templates directory) as showed above, Apache2 still looking for the
>>> site_index.html and site_base.html in the production folder
>>> /home/geonode/my_geonode/my_geonode/templates/.
>>> One thing I can not understand is: I created the Alias for
>>> geonode-project static_root and Apache is doing exactly what I want:
>>> getting the site_base.css. But why is not doing for the geonode_project
>>> templates.
>>> To test my first guest, I copied site_index.html and site_base.html to
>>> production path /home/geonode/my_geonode/my_geonode/templates and the
>>> response was a request to site_base.html, but site_index.html.
>>> Lastly, I have to say that I have production and geonode-project in the
>>> same virtualenv.
>>> I am very confused. Could someone give me a hint on that please? And my
>>> apologies for bringing this topic to discussion again.
>>> Thank you for your time in advance
>>> Kind regards
>>> Julierme
>>> [1] https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.1/howto/deployment/wsgi/modwsgi/
>>> [2]
>>> http://docs.geonode.org/en/master/tutorials/install_and_admin/geonode_install/setup_configure_httpd.html
>>> _______________________________________________
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>> --
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Ing. Alessio Fabiani
Founder/Technical Lead
GeoSolutions S.A.S.
Via di Montramito 3/A - 55054 Massarosa (LU) - Italy
phone: +39 0584 962313
fax: +39 0584 1660272
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