[Marketing] Astrid Emde would like to join the marketing team with focus exihibition pack

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Fri Sep 16 13:07:47 PDT 2016

+1 from me for Astrid joining the Marketing Committee

Astrid, I think you have some very practical and achievable suggestions, 
which would be exactly what the marketing committee needs.

If you dig back through the email archives, you will notice that the 
Marketing committee has been relatively dormant for a while.
Marc Vloemans (CCed), Nicolas Gozon and Guido Stein have recently shown 
an interest and hopefully will speak up.

You might want to scan your eye over email threads with recent ideas:

On 17/09/2016 2:10 AM, Astrid Emde (OSGeo) wrote:
> Hello Marketing-Committee,
> I would like to join the committee and especially work on topic 
> "Exhibition Pack" & "OSGeo Booth" on conferences.
> I organize the OSGeo Booth on FOSSGIS & AGIT every year and would like 
> to encourage people to make an OSGeo Booth on their event too and help 
> them to make it easy to setup a booth
> Thinks I would like to do:
> 1. I think we could improve our Marketing wiki pages. There is 
> information on many pages and often out of date. And also too much 
> information.
> 2. Exhibition-Pack
> To encourage people to make an OSGeo booth we could provide light 
> weight material (postcards, sticker, table cloth) that we send to the 
> confernce team to make a booth.
> * It would not cost too much to send the exhibition-pack to people and 
> would be a nice gesture.
> * Hundreds of sticker and postcards are waiting in boxes at my place.
> * Flyer can people print on their own. But a nice parcel with 
> first-aid exhibition pack would be great.
> * as a first marketing wave we could send the first-aid exhibition 
> pack to every local chapter
> 3. Work on more new marketing material
> 3.1. Pins
> * we could provide OSGeo pins like the pins FOSSGIS e.V. has
> ** https://www.fossgis.de/w/images/d/de/Fossgis_pin.jpg
> ** http://www.pinsundmehr.de/prod_pin_sieb/index.php
> 3.2 Roll-Ups and Table cloth
> * improve the design for both
> 3.3 Flyer
> * improve the layout of our OSGeo flyer
> 3.4 OSGeo-Live
> * how can we motivate to use OSGeo-Live on presentation computers, in 
> workshops..
> * production of USb Sticks (?)
> Marketing pages to improve...
> * http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Marketing_Committee
> * http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Exhibition_Pack
> * http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Operate_OSGeo_Booth
> Excuse when I rush in. I did not follow the list yet so far.
> When will be the next meeting of the committee? Who is active in the 
> committee at the moment?
> Astrid

Cameron Shorter
M +61 419 142 254

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