[OpenLayers-Users] WPS Execute request - the ResponseForm

Alexandre Dubé adube at mapgears.com
Wed Aug 27 08:38:42 PDT 2014

Hi list,

   I have questions about the XML produced by the WPSExecute format. I 
already asked the same questions on the Zoo mailing list since it's 
regarding a difference ResponseForm node their example page use from the 
one produced by OpenLayers WPSExecute format: 

   What Zoo expect:



      <wps:Output mimeType="application/json">





   What OpenLayers WPSExecute format outputs:



      <ows:Identifier xmlns:ows="http://www.opengis.net/ows/1.1">Result</ows:Identifier>



   Unless the extra "Output" node gets added, Zoo throws an error: 
'Wrong RawDataOutput parameter, unable to fetch any result for the name 
your provided : "unknownIdentifier".'  So, my question is more a OGC:WPS 
oriented one: should openlayers output this extra node or not ?  An 
expert reading schemas should be able to tell more 
(http://schemas.opengis.net/wps/1.0.0/wpsExecute_request.xsd, I get 
confused trying to understand it).

Thanks a lot,

Alexandre Dubé
T: +1 418-696-5056 #203

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