[OSGeoLive] Fwd: Contributor list Transifex and ML announcements review

Vicky Vergara vicky at georepublic.de
Mon Sep 17 13:14:50 PDT 2018

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Vicky Vergara <vicky at georepublic.de>
Date: Thu, Sep 13, 2018 at 5:12 AM
Subject: Re: [OSGeoLive] Contributor list Transifex and ML announcements
To: Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter at gmail.com>
Cc: Nicolas Roelandt <roelandtn.pro at gmail.com>, Astrid Emde <
astroidex at gmail.com>, Angelos Tzotsos <gcpp.kalxas at gmail.com>, Brian Hamlin
<maplabs at light42.com>, Jeff McKenna <jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com>, Jody
Garnett <jody.garnett at gmail.com>

Cameron in reply to your private mail to me, but in a semi public manner
because your mail only reached me privately.

I am adding to CC the people that were involved in the "Contributor list
Transifex and ML announcements review" mail
I am adding to CC Jody Garnet because he is our incubation mentor.
I am adding tp CC Jeff McKenna to act as impartial board member observer.

PSC should be using osgeolive mailing list for this kind of discussions,
then the "reply to all problem" would be omitted, it would reach us all
or have an osgeolive-dev mailing lists for this kind of discussion, were we
would still be public but only PSC and main developers would receive the

We should change this way of working of mailing with CC to PSC members when
we are working on a mail that is to be sent to the osgelive mailing list.

On Wed, Sep 12, 2018 at 3:23 PM, Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter at gmail.com>

> Vicky, I believe that becoming an OSGeo project means we should uphold
> the principles of OSGeo Incubation.
> And this includes following the process we have in place for ensuring
> contributors agree to our license terms.
> I'm up to debate how we ensure that.
Somehow feels that the asking for the debate in a private manner "does
not uphold
the principles of OSGeo Incubation" either therefore don't consider this
response as a debate consider this response as a

"Vicky brainstorm of what if ..."

*What if ... **one transifex team member does not sign the contribution
agreement for translating*

Steps to remove his translations from transifex

If one person on a language team does not sign the contribution agreement
- remove the person from the team
- remove the whole translated language where the person is a team member
basically because we dont use payed service of transifex, for us its
impossible to know if he did one sentence translation or one file, or 10
files or 100 files translation and we dont have his permission to use the
one sentence translation or one file, or 10 files or 100 files translation.
Fast way to do it is remove the language from transifex.
- if the person also belongs to a team of a language that is already in the
OSGeoLive website: Hungarian, Spanish, German, French: remove from the
OSGeoLive repository all traces of the translated files as we can not use
his one sentence translation or one file, or 10 files or 100 files.
- create again the language in transifex adding the members that signed the
translation agreement only
- Ask them to re translate the whole language.
- Before adding a person as translator the person has to send the agreement
and put his name on the translators list. (his name will show even if he
does nothing after added as part of the team)

I must mention again: This has to be done because we dont use payed service
of transifex, for us its impossible to know if he did one sentence
translation or one file, or 10 files or 100 files translation.

*What if ... we use **Spanish as example of what would happen if one team
member does not sign the contribution agreement for translating:*

first lets see who are our spanish translators and what they translated:
Students from ENAH and people form the Argentina code sprint translated to
Spanish: some people translated some sentences, some others translated
complete files.
Most Legwork translating Spanish was done by one of those students only, my
niece (must say she translated more than what I translated, I already
signed the contribution agreement so no problem with me, I translated
around 14%).

I don't think we will have a problem with her I can make sure she signs the
agreement, but I can not speak the same for the rest of the Spanish team
What they need to do:
register to the mailing list.
send the mail with the contribution agreement.
Register into Github
Learn what a PR is
Learn how to make a PR
add their name to the file of contributors
do the PR

Suppose one of the Archeology students is busy, exams, finds the process
too complicated, or just thinks "too much work for the 10 sentences I
Then one of the team members did not sign the contribution agreement.
We don't know which sentences were translated by this volunteer, therefore
we can not use the translated sentences.
We have to remove all Spanish translation because of that person 10
translated sentences we can not use.

The worse case is that my niece is busy, has to study for exams, make
homework, etc. and she forgets, misses the mail, or an earthquake happens
(I dont think this case would happen
http://irclogs.geoapt.com/osgeolive/%23osgeolive.2017-09-19.log) and her
computer gets broken. and takes her 6 months to gather enough money to buy
another computer. and misses the deadline we set for the contribution
agreement. But in this case because I know her, I can let her use my
computer to do this administrative task.

So, because we delete the Language because of lack of that agreement of the
student that translated 10 sentences did not sign the agreement
and we can say bye bye to Spanish translation
Make a new version of the disk, without the Spanish translation.
Update the website so we don't have the Spanish translation.

Recreate the language in transifex and start all over with the Spanish

My niece will be confused of why all her work was deleted.
I will let X person explain to her why her work had to be deleted. (where X
!= vicky)
More difficult task for X is to convince her to do all the work all over
again. Maybe she is volunteering in some other project and has no time to
redo all what she did before.
Even more difficult task is to convince me to do the translations all over
again because I am in so many things, i don't have time to translate.

*What if ... *

Maybe you remember my scratch page I started when I was new on OSGeoLive



   Too much bureaucracy asked for a “volunteer” to have the PR accepted.

      First you look for a volunteer,

      Then volunteer, says ok, I will volunteer.

      “we can not merge your volunteer work, you need to send a mail …..”
      - https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/osgeolive/2016-July/011548.html


         Wanted to make a point about lack of administration.


         When implicitly it is ok to use:

What I see from that policy is we have a very complicated way to add

if the volunteer makes a PR that fixes a typo and its your first PR: please
send us a mail .... add your name to .... (otherwise we can not merge your
PR, we have to do what you did and commit it with a different contributor
if the volunteer makes a PR that Added a whole 2000 line quick start and
its your first PR: please send us a mail .... add your name to .... (otherwise
we can not merge your PR, we have to do what you did and commit it with a
different contributor name)
if the volunteer makes a 10 line translation on transifex:  please send us
a mail .... add your name to .... (otherwise we can use what you already
translated and we have to delete everything, and redo the work already done
by you and everyone else )
if the volunteer makes a 80% file translation on transifex:  please send us
a mail .... add your name to .... (otherwise we can use what you already
translated and we have to delete everything, and redo the work already done
by you and everyone else )
If you are a company that is letting use use your resources, thanks very
much for that but you are not named in anyway as contributor, sponsor or
"in kind sponsor" any other way.

Note: The last one, is because we are using Leopark azure account to use
machine translations on transifex, I don't think we reached a consensus
about it https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/osgeolive/2018-July/013232.html
was not a motion was a request. The lack of trust you showed to a PSC
member (me) was too annoying for me so I never did anything about adding my
son's startup company name on the sponsors/contributors/translators list on
the documentation.

*What if ... Instead of this we use that*

The *this*:

Create a 2000 line quickstart = great! your are named on the OSGeoLive
contributor list of the documentation, good work!!!
fix a typo on the 2000 line quickstart = great! your are named on the
OSGeoLive contributor list of the documentation, good work!!!
Translate 80% of the files on transifex = great! your are named on the
OSGeoLive contributor list of the documentation, good work!!!
Translate 10 lines on transifex = great! your are named on the OSGeoLive
contributor list of the documentation, good work!!!
Let us use your resources (no matter who you are) = <blank>

The *that*:

Create a 2000 line quickstart = great! your are named on the OSGeoLive
contributor list of the documentation, good work!!!
fix a typo on the 2000 line quickstart = great! your can be found here:
Translate 80% of the files on transifex = great! your are named on the
OSGeoLive contributor list of the documentation, good work!!!
Translate 10 lines on transifex = great! your name can be found here
Let us use your resources (no matter who you are) =

*Corporate Sponsors*
*These are corporate entities that have contributed developer time,
hosting, resources, in kind or direct monetary funding to the OSGeoLive

*What if .. We use CONTRIBUTING.md*

I dont see a CONTRIBUTING.md in any of our repositories
I know its somewhere in the wiki, but so difficult to find, so far away
from where the contributions take place.

*What if .. we use this example of simple things*

(it has a license file now, the moment I read that the moment I fixed it)

*What if .. We start the debate on the appropriate channels*

we would be "upholding the principles of OSGeo Incubation"


> On 11/9/18 10:58 pm, Vicky Vergara wrote:
> we are not in incubation anymore, we are OSGeo project
> On 11/9/18 11:00 pm, Vicky Vergara wrote:
> We are already using their translations, so, if they dont agree to us use
> their translations we have to delete what they translated. Because we dont
> have paid service on transifex we dont know what they translated so we have
> to delete the whole language?
> On 11/9/18 11:01 pm, Vicky Vergara wrote:
> Digging on mail means lack of administration from our part
> On Tue, Sep 11, 2018 at 6:17 AM, Cameron Shorter <
> cameron.shorter at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Nicolas,
>> There are a number of points here:
>> 1. One of the OSGeo incubation criteria is that we ensure that all
>> contributions to OSGeo are available via our Open Licenses. We achieve that
>> by ensuring that every person who contributes to OSGeo writes a public
>> statement saying they agree with our open license, as per:
>> https://trac.osgeo.org/osgeolive/wiki/Source_code
>> If we are to comply with our OSGeo Incubation obligations, then we will
>> need to extend this to Translations.
>> How can we ensure that anyone contributing to Transifex is ok with our
>> open license? Can we get them to send the same email before we give them
>> access? (I think we are ok if people use an alias or git id instead of
>> their real name. One of our contributors is called wildintellect, and I
>> don't know what his/her real name is).
>> 2. If someone contributes to our project, it is the right thing for us to
>> acknowledge them.
>> 3. A good measure of OSGeoLive's success is to quote the number of people
>> who have contributed. Ie, it is good for us to track number of contributors.
>> So I suggest:
>> * Update to note that to contribute, we will be *requiring *your
>> permission if we are to use your translations.
>> * I've been digging around trying to find the emails we sent out to
>> committers asking for them to confirm that they agreed with our open
>> license terms (so you could copy from it). Unfortunately I haven't had much
>> luck. Angelos of Brian might remember or be able to dig up an old email.
>> On 11/09/2018 7:50 PM, Nicolas Roelandt wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I wrote a message to ask for people to register to our contributor list.
>> Can you review it before I send it, please ?
>> You can edit there (for 1 month):
>> https://mensuel.framapad.org/p/osgeolive_contributor_consent_message
>> Cheers,
>> Nicolas
>> mail: roelandtn.pro at gmail.com
>> mobile: +33 (0)6 42 40 42 55
>> twitter: @*RoelandtN42* <https://twitter.com/RoelandtN42>
>> --
>> Cameron Shorter
>> Technology Demystifier
>> Open Technologies and Geospatial Consultant
>> M +61 (0) 419 142 254
> --
> Georepublic UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
> Salzmannstraße 44,
> 81739 München, Germany
> Vicky Vergara
> Operations Research
> eMail: vicky at georepublic.de
> Web: https://georepublic.info
> Tel: +49 (089) 4161 7698-1
> Fax: +49 (089) 4161 7698-9
> Commercial register: Amtsgericht München, HRB 181428
> CEO: Daniel Kastl
> --
> Cameron Shorter
> Technology Demystifier
> Open Technologies and Geospatial Consultant
> M +61 (0) 419 142 254


Georepublic UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Salzmannstraße 44,
81739 München, Germany

Vicky Vergara
Operations Research

eMail: vicky at georepublic.de
Web: https://georepublic.info

Tel: +49 (089) 4161 7698-1
Fax: +49 (089) 4161 7698-9

Commercial register: Amtsgericht München, HRB 181428
CEO: Daniel Kastl


Georepublic UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Salzmannstraße 44,
81739 München, Germany

Vicky Vergara
Operations Research

eMail: vicky at georepublic.de
Web: https://georepublic.info

Tel: +49 (089) 4161 7698-1
Fax: +49 (089) 4161 7698-9

Commercial register: Amtsgericht München, HRB 181428
CEO: Daniel Kastl
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