[pdal] Greedy Projection FIlter

Andrew Bell andrew.bell.ia at gmail.com
Thu Mar 18 12:28:49 PDT 2021


I think you're one of the few who has tried to use that filter recently.
I'm not sure what might be wrong and would have to debug it, but I don't
have time right now. Unfortunately, the filter has no tests, so does not
get regularly exercised. If someone manages to get it working, it would be
great if they could contribute some tests.


On Thu, Mar 18, 2021 at 3:11 PM Paul Harwood <runette at gmail.com> wrote:

> Looking for some help:
> I need to create a surface and I have been looking at the Mesh filters in
> Filters.delaunay I have used extensively in the past and I know it well
> but I was experimenting with the others.
> I got filters.poisson working for all of its limitations but I cannot get
> filters.greedyprojection to produce anything.
> Am I doing something wrong or is it just not working?
> When I run it using the same pipeline structure and the same input
> file that works for the other two filters -- I get nothing. I don't get an
> error (even with --developer-debug), I don't get an empty file, The
> pipeline completes successfully and no file has been written. I have tried
> playing around with the parameters that the docs suggest and in line with
> the PCL original suggestions - but just a stubborn "non!" from the filter :(
> I am using this pipeline :
> {
>   "pipeline":
>   [
>     {
>       "type": "readers.las",
>       "filename": "object3.las"
>     },
>     {
>       "type": "filters.greedyprojection",
>       "multiplier" : 2,
>       "radius": 10,
>       "num_neighbors" : 100
>     },
>     {
>       "faces": "true",
>       "filename": "object4.ply",
>       "type": "writers.ply"
>     }
>   ]
> }
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Andrew Bell
andrew.bell.ia at gmail.com
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