[postgis-tickets] [PostGIS] #3962: debbie trunk (2.5 builds failing) for 9.6 and 9.5

PostGIS trac at osgeo.org
Wed Dec 27 10:20:53 PST 2017

#3962: debbie trunk (2.5 builds failing) for 9.6 and 9.5
 Reporter:  robe       |      Owner:  robe
     Type:  defect     |     Status:  new
 Priority:  blocker    |  Milestone:  PostGIS 2.5.0
Component:  buildbots  |    Version:  trunk
 Keywords:             |
 I've been scratching my head on this one.  debbie seems to be failing on
 just postgis 2.5 runs for 9.6,9.5 (I tested those).  pg 11 and pg 10 are

 I thought it was maybe result of my recent upgrades but that would affect
 2.4 runs and those are fine and would probably affect pg10 and pg11.

 Then I thought maybe it's the port I'm running them on, so switch to the
 same pg ports I use for 2.4 job, still no go.

 I get this error:

 psql: FATAL:  the database system is starting up

 almost like it is just not getting enough time to finish startup.

 Very stumped.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/ticket/3962>
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