[postgis-tickets] [SCM] PostGIS branch main updated. 3.1.0rc1-328-g406ecaa

git at osgeo.org git at osgeo.org
Tue Jul 13 13:39:17 PDT 2021

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
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the project "PostGIS".

The branch, main has been updated
       via  406ecaab3296aa7630e9a887b0d736979f077c49 (commit)
      from  5c7a8ccd8e3821287c6afb3435840115efa18d97 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 406ecaab3296aa7630e9a887b0d736979f077c49
Author: Sandro Santilli <strk at kbt.io>
Date:   Tue Jul 13 18:46:54 2021 +0200

    ValidateTopology: build all rings in a single statement
    Closes #4952
    Implements GetRingEdges internally, to avoid the subtransaction
    while still surviving non-closed rings.
    In real world case it reduces the cost of building 20356 rings
    from ~100 seconds to ~20 seconds

diff --git a/topology/sql/manage/ValidateTopology.sql.in b/topology/sql/manage/ValidateTopology.sql.in
index a2d274f..3b8cc6e 100644
--- a/topology/sql/manage/ValidateTopology.sql.in
+++ b/topology/sql/manage/ValidateTopology.sql.in
@@ -23,6 +23,50 @@ CREATE TYPE topology.ValidateTopology_ReturnType AS (
   id2 integer
+-- Assumes search_path has topology schema first
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION topology._ValidateTopologyGetRingEdges(starting_edge int)
+RETURNS int[]
+  ret int[];
+  WITH RECURSIVE edgering AS (
+      starting_edge as signed_edge_id,
+      edge_id,
+      next_left_edge,
+      next_right_edge
+    FROM edge_data
+    WHERE edge_id = abs(starting_edge)
+      UNION
+      CASE WHEN p.signed_edge_id < 0 THEN
+        p.next_right_edge
+      ELSE
+        p.next_left_edge
+      END,
+      e.edge_id,
+      e.next_left_edge,
+      e.next_right_edge
+    FROM edge_data e, edgering p
+    WHERE e.edge_id =
+      CASE WHEN p.signed_edge_id < 0 THEN
+        abs(p.next_right_edge)
+      ELSE
+        abs(p.next_left_edge)
+      END
+  )
+  SELECT array_agg(signed_edge_id)
+  FROM edgering
+  INTO ret;
+  RETURN ret;
+$BODY$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION topology._CheckEdgeLinking(curedge_edge_id INT, prevedge_edge_id INT, prevedge_next_left_edge INT, prevedge_next_right_edge INT)
 RETURNS topology.ValidateTopology_ReturnType
@@ -231,41 +275,17 @@ AS --{
   retrec topology.ValidateTopology_ReturnType;
-  nextEdge INT;
   rec RECORD;
-  affected_rows integer;
   ring_poly GEOMETRY;
   is_shell BOOLEAN;
+  found_rings INT := 0;
   found_shells INT := 0;
   found_holes INT := 0;
-  RAISE NOTICE 'Gathering edges for side faces labeling';
-  -- Pick all edges ending on any node in the bbox
-  -- Those are the only edges we want to consider
-  CREATE TEMP TABLE side_label_check_edge AS
-  WITH edges_to_check AS (
-    SELECT DISTINCT e.edge_id
-    FROM edge_data e, node n
-    WHERE (
-      bbox IS NULL
-      OR n.geom && bbox
-    )
-    AND (
-      e.start_node = n.node_id
-      OR e.end_node = n.node_id
-    )
-  )
-  SELECT edge_id FROM edges_to_check
-    UNION
-  SELECT -edge_id FROM edges_to_check
-  ;
-  CREATE INDEX ON side_label_check_edge (edge_id);
   CREATE TEMP TABLE shell_check (
     face_id int PRIMARY KEY,
-    shell geometry -- polygon
+    ring_geom geometry
   CREATE TEMP TABLE hole_check (
@@ -275,98 +295,106 @@ BEGIN
     in_shell int
-  RAISE NOTICE 'Checking edge rings';
+  RAISE NOTICE 'Building edge rings';
   -- Find all rings that can be formed on both sides
   -- of selected edges
-  affected_rows := 0;
-  LOOP --{
-    -- Fetch next unvisited edge
-    SELECT edge_id
-    FROM pg_temp.side_label_check_edge
-    -- TODO: order by <-> from -inf/-inf to ensure catching
-    --       shells before holes
-    ORDER BY edge_id
-    LIMIT 1
-    INTO nextEdge;
-    IF nextEdge IS NULL THEN
-      EXIT; -- exit loop if no more unvisited edges found
-    END IF;
-    affected_rows := affected_rows + 1;
-    -- Build ring formed on nextEdge
-    -- Gather side faces for the ring formed on nextEdge
-    edgering AS (
+  FOR rec IN
+    WITH --{
+    considered_edges AS (
+      SELECT e.* FROM edge_data e, node n
+      WHERE
+        ( e.start_node = n.node_id OR e.end_node = n.node_id )
+        AND
+        ( bbox IS NULL OR n.geom && bbox )
+    ),
+    forward_rings AS (
+      SELECT topology._ValidateTopologyGetRingEdges(e.edge_id) edges
+      FROM considered_edges e
+    ),
+    forward_rings_with_id AS (
-        nextEdge as signed_edge_id,
-        edge_id,
-        geom,
-        next_left_edge,
-        next_right_edge,
-        CASE WHEN nextEdge > 0 THEN
-          left_face
-        ELSE
-          right_face
-        END as side_face
-      FROM edge_data
-      WHERE edge_id = abs(nextEdge)
-        UNION
+        (select min(e) FROM unnest(edges) e) ring_id,
+        *
+      FROM forward_rings
+    ),
+    distinct_forward_rings AS (
-        CASE WHEN p.signed_edge_id < 0
-        THEN
-          p.next_right_edge
-        ELSE
-          p.next_left_edge
-        END, -- signed_edge_id
-        e.edge_id,
-        e.geom,
-        e.next_left_edge,
-        e.next_right_edge,
-        CASE WHEN p.signed_edge_id < 0
-        THEN
-          CASE WHEN p.next_right_edge > 0
-          THEN
-            e.left_face
+        DISTINCT ON (ring_id)
+        *
+      FROM forward_rings_with_id
+    ),
+    backward_rings AS (
+      SELECT topology._ValidateTopologyGetRingEdges(-e.edge_id) edges
+      FROM considered_edges e
+      WHERE -edge_id NOT IN (
+        SELECT x FROM (
+          SELECT unnest(edges) x
+          FROM distinct_forward_rings
+        ) foo
+      )
+    ),
+    backward_rings_with_id AS (
+      SELECT
+        (select min(e) FROM unnest(edges) e) ring_id,
+        *
+      FROM backward_rings
+    ),
+    distinct_backward_rings AS (
+      SELECT
+        DISTINCT ON (ring_id)
+        *
+      FROM backward_rings_with_id
+    ),
+    all_rings AS (
+      SELECT * FROM distinct_forward_rings
+      UNION
+      SELECT * FROM distinct_backward_rings
+    ),
+    all_rings_with_ring_ordinal_edge AS (
+      SELECT
+        r.ring_id,
+        e.seq,
+        e.edge signed_edge_id
+      FROM all_rings r
+      LEFT JOIN LATERAL unnest(r.edges) WITH ORDINALITY AS e(edge, seq)
+      ON TRUE
+    ),
+    all_rings_with_ring_geom AS (
+      SELECT
+        r.ring_id,
+        ST_MakeLine(
+          CASE WHEN signed_edge_id > 0 THEN
+            e.geom
-            e.right_face
+            ST_Reverse(e.geom)
-        ELSE
-          CASE WHEN p.next_left_edge > 0
-          THEN
+           -- TODO: how to make sure rows are ordered ?
+          ORDER BY seq
+        ) geom,
+        array_agg(
+          DISTINCT
+          CASE WHEN signed_edge_id > 0 THEN
-        END -- side_face
-      FROM edge_data e, edgering p
-      WHERE
-        e.edge_id = CASE
-          WHEN p.signed_edge_id < 0 THEN
-            abs(p.next_right_edge)
-          ELSE
-            abs(p.next_left_edge)
-          END
-    )
-      ST_MakeLine(
-        CASE WHEN signed_edge_id > 0 THEN
-          geom
-        ELSE
-          ST_Reverse(geom)
-        END
-      ) ring_geom,
-      array_agg(signed_edge_id) edges,
-      array_agg(DISTINCT side_face) side_faces
-    FROM edgering
-    INTO rec;
+        ) side_faces
+      FROM
+        all_rings_with_ring_ordinal_edge r,
+        edge_data e
+      WHERE e.edge_id = abs(r.signed_edge_id)
+      GROUP BY ring_id
+    ) --}{
+    SELECT ring_id, geom as ring_geom, side_faces
+    FROM all_rings_with_ring_geom
+  LOOP --{
+    found_rings := found_rings + 1;
-    RAISE DEBUG 'Ring % - edges:[%], faces:[%]',
-      nextEdge,
-      array_to_string(rec.edges, ','),
+    RAISE DEBUG 'Ring % - faces:[%]',
+      rec.ring_id,
       array_to_string(rec.side_faces, ',')
@@ -376,82 +404,88 @@ BEGIN
     THEN --{
-      RAISE DEBUG 'Side faces found on ring %: %', nextEdge, rec.side_faces;
+      RAISE DEBUG 'Side faces found on ring %: %', rec.ring_id,
+       rec.side_faces;
       retrec.error = 'mixed face labeling in ring';
-      retrec.id1 = nextEdge;
+      retrec.id1 = rec.ring_id;
       retrec.id2 = NULL;
       RETURN NEXT retrec;
+      CONTINUE;
-    ELSE --}{
-      --RAISE DEBUG 'Ring geom: %', ST_AsTexT(rec.ring_geom);
-      IF NOT ST_Equals(
-        ST_StartPoint(rec.ring_geom),
-        ST_EndPoint(rec.ring_geom)
-      )
-      THEN --{
-        -- This should have been reported before,
-        -- on the edge linking check
-        retrec.error = 'non-closed ring';
-        retrec.id1 = nextEdge;
-        retrec.id2 = NULL;
-        RETURN NEXT retrec;
-      ELSE --}{
-        -- Ring is valid, save it.
-        is_shell := false;
-        IF ST_NPoints(rec.ring_geom) > 3 THEN
-          ring_poly := ST_MakePolygon(rec.ring_geom);
-          IF ST_IsPolygonCCW(ring_poly) THEN
-            is_shell := true;
-          END IF;
-        END IF;
-        IF is_shell THEN --{ It's a shell (CCW)
-          -- Check that a single face is ever used
-          --       for each distinct CCW ring (shell)
-          BEGIN
-            INSERT INTO shell_check VALUES (
-              rec.side_faces[1],
-              ring_poly
-            );
-            found_shells := found_shells + 1;
-          EXCEPTION WHEN unique_violation THEN
-            retrec.error = 'face has multiple shells';
-            retrec.id1 = rec.side_faces[1];
-            retrec.id2 = NULL;
-            RETURN NEXT retrec;
-          END;
-        ELSE -- }{ It's an hole (CW)
-        -- NOTE: multiple CW rings (holes) can exist for a given face
-          INSERT INTO hole_check VALUES (
-            nextEdge,
-            ST_Envelope(rec.ring_geom),
-            ST_PointN(rec.ring_geom, 1),
-            -- NOTE: we don't incurr in the risk
-            --       of a ring touching the shell
-            --       because in those cases the
-            --       intruding "hole" will not really
-            --       be considered an hole as its ring
-            --       will not be CW
-            rec.side_faces[1]
-          );
-          found_holes := found_holes + 1;
-        END IF; --} hole
-      END IF; --}
+    END IF; --}
+    --RAISE DEBUG 'Ring geom: %', ST_AsTexT(rec.ring_geom);
+    IF NOT ST_Equals(
+      ST_StartPoint(rec.ring_geom),
+      ST_EndPoint(rec.ring_geom)
+    )
+    THEN --{
+      -- This should have been reported before,
+      -- on the edge linking check
+      retrec.error = 'non-closed ring';
+      retrec.id1 = rec.ring_id;
+      retrec.id2 = NULL;
+      RETURN NEXT retrec;
+      CONTINUE;
     END IF; --}
+    -- Ring is valid, save it.
+    is_shell := false;
+    IF ST_NPoints(rec.ring_geom) > 3 THEN
+      ring_poly := ST_MakePolygon(rec.ring_geom);
+      IF ST_IsPolygonCCW(ring_poly) THEN
+        is_shell := true;
+      END IF;
+    END IF;
-    DELETE FROM pg_temp.side_label_check_edge
-    WHERE edge_id = ANY (rec.edges);
+    IF is_shell THEN --{ It's a shell (CCW)
+      -- Check that a single face is ever used
+      --       for each distinct CCW ring (shell)
+      BEGIN
+        INSERT INTO shell_check VALUES (
+          rec.side_faces[1],
+          ring_poly
+        );
+        found_shells := found_shells + 1;
+      EXCEPTION WHEN unique_violation THEN
+        retrec.error = 'face has multiple shells';
+        retrec.id1 = rec.side_faces[1];
+        retrec.id2 = NULL;
+        RETURN NEXT retrec;
+      END;
+    ELSE -- }{ It's an hole (CW)
+    -- NOTE: multiple CW rings (holes) can exist for a given face
+      INSERT INTO hole_check VALUES (
+        rec.ring_id,
+        ST_Envelope(rec.ring_geom),
+        ST_PointN(rec.ring_geom, 1),
+        -- NOTE: we don't incurr in the risk
+        --       of a ring touching the shell
+        --       because in those cases the
+        --       intruding "hole" will not really
+        --       be considered an hole as its ring
+        --       will not be CW
+        rec.side_faces[1]
+      );
+      found_holes := found_holes + 1;
+    END IF; --} hole
   END LOOP; --}
+  RAISE NOTICE 'Found % rings, % valid shells, % valid holes',
+    found_rings, found_shells, found_holes
+  ;
-  RAISE NOTICE 'Completed computing % rings, found % valid shells and % holes',
-    affected_rows, found_shells, found_holes;
+  FOR rec IN
+    SELECT * FROM hole_check
+    RAISE DEBUG 'Hole % in_shell % point % mbr %',
+      rec.ring_id, rec.in_shell, ST_AsText(rec.hole_point), ST_AsText(rec.hole_mbr);
-  DROP TABLE pg_temp.side_label_check_edge;
   DROP TABLE pg_temp.shell_check;


Summary of changes:
 topology/sql/manage/ValidateTopology.sql.in | 368 +++++++++++++++-------------
 1 file changed, 201 insertions(+), 167 deletions(-)


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