[postgis-tickets] [SCM] PostGIS branch master updated. 3.3.0alpha1-10-g111d08021

git at osgeo.org git at osgeo.org
Fri May 27 09:17:25 PDT 2022

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project "PostGIS".

The branch, master has been updated
       via  111d080211e8bd1b4d9fd27974baabec562d29bd (commit)
      from  61402cf4dcd8a9e26199f0a0baa9b914c47f3f91 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 111d080211e8bd1b4d9fd27974baabec562d29bd
Author: Paul Ramsey <pramsey at cleverelephant.ca>
Date:   Fri May 27 09:16:19 2022 -0700

    Fix wraparound math problem in strncat calls, closes #5114

diff --git a/loader/pgsql2shp-core.c b/loader/pgsql2shp-core.c
index 06226e951..4a3d593de 100644
--- a/loader/pgsql2shp-core.c
+++ b/loader/pgsql2shp-core.c
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
 #include <sys/param.h>
+#include "../liblwgeom/stringbuffer.h"
 #include "../liblwgeom/liblwgeom.h" /* for LWGEOM struct and funx */
 #include "../liblwgeom/lwgeom_log.h" /* for LWDEBUG macros */
@@ -1351,12 +1352,8 @@ ShpDumperOpenTable(SHPDUMPERSTATE *state)
 	/* If a user-defined query has been specified, create and point the state to our new table */
 	if (state->config->usrquery)
-		state->table = malloc(20 + 20);		/* string + max long precision */
-		sprintf(state->table, "__pgsql2shp%lu_tmp_table", (long)getpid());
-		query = malloc(32 + strlen(state->table) + strlen(state->config->usrquery));
-		sprintf(query, "CREATE TEMP TABLE \"%s\" AS %s", state->table, state->config->usrquery);
+		asprintf(&(state->table), "__pgsql2shp%lu_tmp_table", (long)getpid());
+		asprintf(&query, "CREATE TEMP TABLE \"%s\" AS %s", state->table, state->config->usrquery);
 		res = PQexec(state->conn, query);
@@ -1380,9 +1377,7 @@ ShpDumperOpenTable(SHPDUMPERSTATE *state)
 	/* Get the list of columns and their types for the selected table */
 	if (state->schema)
-		query = malloc(250 + strlen(state->schema) + strlen(state->table));
-		sprintf(query, "SELECT a.attname, a.atttypid, "
+		asprintf(&query, "SELECT a.attname, a.atttypid, "
 		        "a.atttypmod, a.attlen FROM "
 		        "pg_attribute a, pg_class c, pg_namespace n WHERE "
 		        "n.nspname = '%s' AND a.attrelid = c.oid AND "
@@ -1392,9 +1387,7 @@ ShpDumperOpenTable(SHPDUMPERSTATE *state)
-		query = malloc(250 + strlen(state->table));
-		sprintf(query, "SELECT a.attname, a.atttypid, "
+		asprintf(&query, "SELECT a.attname, a.atttypid, "
 		        "a.atttypmod, a.attlen FROM "
 		        "pg_attribute a, pg_class c WHERE "
 		        "a.attrelid = c.oid and a.attnum > 0 AND "
@@ -1569,13 +1562,10 @@ ShpDumperOpenTable(SHPDUMPERSTATE *state)
 		/* Issue warning if column has been renamed */
 		if (strcasecmp(dbffieldname, pgfieldname))
-			if ( snprintf(buf, 256, _("Warning, field %s renamed to %s\n"),
-			              pgfieldname, dbffieldname) >= 256 )
-			{
-				buf[255] = '\0';
-			}
+			snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), _("Warning, field %s renamed to %s\n"), pgfieldname, dbffieldname);
 			/* Note: we concatenate all warnings from the main loop as this is useful information */
-			strncat(state->message, buf, SHPDUMPERMSGLEN - strlen(state->message) - 1);
+			if (SHPDUMPERMSGLEN > (strlen(state->message) + 1))
+				strncat(state->message, buf, SHPDUMPERMSGLEN - (strlen(state->message) + 1));
@@ -1765,9 +1755,12 @@ ShpDumperOpenTable(SHPDUMPERSTATE *state)
 			if (dbffieldsize > MAX_DBF_FIELD_SIZE)
 				/* Note: we concatenate all warnings from the main loop as this is useful information */
-				snprintf(buf, 256, _("Warning: values of field '%s' exceeding maximum dbf field width (%d) "
+				snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), _("Warning: values of field '%s' exceeding maximum dbf field width (%d) "
 					"will be truncated.\n"), dbffieldname, MAX_DBF_FIELD_SIZE);
-				strncat(state->message, buf, SHPDUMPERMSGLEN - strlen(state->message));
+				if (SHPDUMPERMSGLEN > (strlen(state->message) + 1))
+					strncat(state->message, buf, SHPDUMPERMSGLEN - (strlen(state->message)+1));
 				dbffieldsize = MAX_DBF_FIELD_SIZE;
@@ -1820,8 +1813,9 @@ ShpDumperOpenTable(SHPDUMPERSTATE *state)
 			/* No geo* column specified so we can only create the DBF section -
 			   but let's issue a warning... */
-			snprintf(buf, 256, _("No geometry column found.\nThe DBF file will be created but not the shx or shp files.\n"));
-			strncat(state->message, buf, SHPDUMPERMSGLEN - strlen(state->message));
+			snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), _("No geometry column found.\nThe DBF file will be created but not the shx or shp files.\n"));
+			if (SHPDUMPERMSGLEN > (strlen(state->message) + 1))
+				strncat(state->message, buf, SHPDUMPERMSGLEN - (strlen(state->message)+1));
 			state->shp = NULL;
@@ -1840,10 +1834,10 @@ ShpDumperOpenTable(SHPDUMPERSTATE *state)
 	/* Now we have the complete list of fieldnames, let's generate the SQL query. First let's make sure
 	   we reserve enough space for tables with lots of columns */
 	j = 0;
 	/*TODO: this really should be rewritten to use stringbuffer */
 	for (i = 0; i < state->fieldcount; i++)
 		j += strlen( state->pgfieldnames[i]) + 10;	/*add extra space for the quotes to quote identify and any embedded quotes that may need escaping */
@@ -1957,8 +1951,7 @@ ShpDumperOpenTable(SHPDUMPERSTATE *state)
 	state->fetchres = NULL;
 	/* Generate the fetch query */
-	state->fetch_query = malloc(256);
-	sprintf(state->fetch_query, "FETCH %d FROM cur", state->config->fetchsize);
+	asprintf(&(state->fetch_query), "FETCH %d FROM cur", state->config->fetchsize);


Summary of changes:
 loader/pgsql2shp-core.c | 43 ++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
 1 file changed, 18 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)


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