[postgis-tickets] [SCM] PostGIS branch stable-3.3 updated. 3.3.3-16-gb620d700c

git at osgeo.org git at osgeo.org
Mon Jun 19 06:30:18 PDT 2023

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project "PostGIS".

The branch, stable-3.3 has been updated
       via  b620d700ccf44ddaf32e4367d9a935c58936af76 (commit)
       via  9025c770776beb6bf90ab04fd3a4656be32d10fa (commit)
      from  82421b9c769e2b36690bbb6659e47995276385d7 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit b620d700ccf44ddaf32e4367d9a935c58936af76
Author: Regina Obe <lr at pcorp.us>
Date:   Mon Jun 19 09:29:17 2023 -0400

    Fix for proj failures
    References #5316 for PostGIS 3.3.10

diff --git a/regress/core/regress_proj_4890.sql b/regress/core/regress_proj_4890.sql
index 297c1ef3b..4f9528c42 100644
--- a/regress/core/regress_proj_4890.sql
+++ b/regress/core/regress_proj_4890.sql
@@ -1,12 +1,43 @@
-CREATE TABLE points AS SELECT * FROM (VALUES ('SRID=4326;POINT(-124.9921 49.6851)'::geometry), ('SRID=4326;POINT(-119.4032 50.0305)'::geometry), ('SRID=4326;POINT(-122.799 49.1671)'::geometry), ('SRID=4326;POINT(-122.3379 49.0597)'::geometry), ('SRID=4326;POINT(-123.1264 49.2671)'::geometry), ('SRID=4326;POINT(-122.7132 49.0519)'::geometry), ('SRID=4326;POINT(-124.3475 49.3042)'::geometry), ('SRID=4326;POINT(-119.389 49.8891)'::geometry), ('SRID=4326;POINT(-123.126 49.281)'::geometry), ('SRID=4326;POINT(-122.6606 49.1134)'::geometry), ('SRID=4326;POINT(-124.3233 49.312)'::geometry), ('SRID=4326;POINT(-124.0478 49.2397)'::geometry), ('SRID=4326;POINT(-119.2683 50.266)'::geometry), ('SRID=4326;POINT(-121.9705 49.081)'::geometry), ('SRID=4326;POINT(-123.8854 49.482)'::geometry), ('SRID=4326;POINT(-123.1528 49.77)'::geometry), ('SRID=4326;POINT(-120.8051 50.488)'::geometry), ('SRID=4326;POINT(-122.6403 49.1652)'::geometry), ('SRID=4326;POINT(-122.7717 49.2433)'::geometry), ('SRID=4326;P
 OINT(-121.9587 49.1661)'::geometry))
+			('SRID=4269;POINT(-124.9921 49.6851)'::geometry),
+			('SRID=4269;POINT(-119.4032 50.0305)'::geometry),
+			('SRID=4269;POINT(-122.799 49.1671)'::geometry),
+			('SRID=4269;POINT(-122.3379 49.0597)'::geometry),
+			('SRID=4269;POINT(-123.1264 49.2671)'::geometry),
+			('SRID=4269;POINT(-122.7132 49.0519)'::geometry),
+			('SRID=4269;POINT(-124.3475 49.3042)'::geometry),
+			('SRID=4269;POINT(-119.389 49.8891)'::geometry),
+			('SRID=4269;POINT(-123.126 49.281)'::geometry),
+			('SRID=4269;POINT(-122.6606 49.1134)'::geometry),
+			('SRID=4269;POINT(-124.3233 49.312)'::geometry),
+			('SRID=4269;POINT(-124.0478 49.2397)'::geometry),
+			('SRID=4269;POINT(-119.2683 50.266)'::geometry),
+			('SRID=4269;POINT(-121.9705 49.081)'::geometry),
+			('SRID=4269;POINT(-123.8854 49.482)'::geometry),
+			('SRID=4269;POINT(-123.1528 49.77)'::geometry),
+			('SRID=4269;POINT(-120.8051 50.488)'::geometry),
+			('SRID=4269;POINT(-122.6403 49.1652)'::geometry),
+			('SRID=4269;POINT(-122.7717 49.2433)'::geometry),
+			('SRID=4269;POINT(-121.9587 49.1661)'::geometry)
+		) p(g);
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_closest(p geometry(POINT)) RETURNS geometry(POINT) AS $$
-    SELECT g FROM points ORDER BY st_transform(p, 3005) <-> st_transform(points.g, 3005) LIMIT 1
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_closest(p geometry(POINT))
+	RETURNS geometry(POINT)
+	AS
+	$$
+		FROM points
+		ORDER BY st_transform(p, 3005) <-> st_transform(points.g, 3005)
+		LIMIT 1
+	$$
+SELECT 4890 AS id,
+			 ST_AsText(ST_SnapToGrid(ST_Centroid(ST_Collect(get_closest(g) )), 0.0001))
+	FROM points;
-SELECT 4890 AS id, ST_AsText(ST_SnapToGrid(ST_Centroid(ST_Collect(get_closest(g) )), 0.0001)) FROM points ;
 DROP TABLE points;
 DROP FUNCTION get_closest(geometry);
diff --git a/regress/core/regress_proj_cache_overflow.sql b/regress/core/regress_proj_cache_overflow.sql
index c404effe8..7ee0d0294 100644
--- a/regress/core/regress_proj_cache_overflow.sql
+++ b/regress/core/regress_proj_cache_overflow.sql
@@ -1,7 +1,13 @@
 --- Overflow proj cache
 SELECT 13, count(*) FROM
-    SELECT ST_Transform('SRID=4326; POINT(0 0)'::geometry, srid) AS g
-    FROM
-        ( Select srid from spatial_ref_sys where srid IN (3819,  3821,  3824,  3889,  3906,  4001,  4002,  4003,  4004,  4005,  4006,  4007,  4008,  4009,  4010,  4011,  4012,  4013,  4014,  4015,  4016,  4018,  4019,  4020,  4021,  4022,  4023,  4024,  4025,  4027,  4028,  4029,  4030,  4031,  4032,  4033,  4034,  4035,  4036,  4041,  4042,  4043,  4044,  4045,  4046,  4047,  4052,  4053,  4054,  4055,  4075,  4081,  4120,  4121,  4122,  4123,  4124,  4125,  4126,  4127,  4128,  4129,  4130,  4131,  4132,  4133,  4134,  4135,  4139,  4140,  4141,  4142,  4143,  4144,  4145,  4146,  4147,  4148,  4149,  4150,  4151,  4152,  4153,  4154,  4155,  4156,  4157,  4158,  4159,  4160,  4161,  4162,  4163,  4164,  4165,  4166,  4167,  4168,  4169,  4170,  4171,  4172,  4173,  4174,  4175,  4176,  4178,  4179,  4180,  4181,  4182,  4183,  4184,  4185,  4188,  4189,  4190,  4191,  4192,  4193,  4194,  4195,  4196,  4197,  4198,  4199,  4200,  4201,  4202,  4203,  4204,  4205,  4206,  4207,  4
 208,  4209,  4210,  4211,  4212,  4213,  4214,  4215,  4216,  4218,  4219,  4220,  4221)) _a
+  SELECT ST_Transform('SRID=4326; POINT(0 0)'::geometry, srid) AS g
+  FROM (
+    SELECT srid
+    FROM spatial_ref_sys
+    WHERE srid IN (
+      2309, 2310, 2311, 4037, 3349, 4038, 3395, 3832, 3857, 3994, 3997, 5223, 5523, 5842, 6703, 6720, /**6722,**/ 6871, 6893/**, 7777, 7778, 7779, 7780, 7781, 7782, 7783, 7784, 7785, 7786, 7787**/, 8035, 8036, 32605, 32606, 32607, 32608, 32609, 32610, 32611, 32612, 32613/**, 32614, 32615**/, 32601, 32602, 32603, 32604/**, 32616, 32617**/, 32618, 32619, 32620, 32621, 32622, 32623, 32624, 32625, 32626, 32627, 32628, 32629, 32630, 32631, 32632, 32633, 32634, 32635, 32636, 32637, 32638, 32639, 32640, 32641, 32642, 32643/**, 32644, 32645, 32646, 32647, 32648**/, 32649, 32650, 32651, 32652, 32653, 32654, 32655, 32656, 32657, 32658, 32659, 32660/**, 32664, 32665, 32666, 32667**/, 32701, 32702, 32703, 32704, 32705, 32706, 32707, 32708, 32709, 32710, 32711, 32712, 32713/**, 32714, 32715, 32716, 32717**/, 32718, 32719, 32720, 32721, 32722, 32723, 32724, 32725, 32726, 32727, 32728, 32729, 32730, 32731, 32732, 32733, 32734, 32735, 32736, 32737, 32738, 32739, 32740, 32741, 32742/**, 32743, 32744
 , 32745, 32746, 32747**/, 32748, 32749, 32750
+ )) _a
+) _b
diff --git a/regress/core/regress_proj_cache_overflow_expected b/regress/core/regress_proj_cache_overflow_expected
index e2e697c9f..bce8226d5 100644
--- a/regress/core/regress_proj_cache_overflow_expected
+++ b/regress/core/regress_proj_cache_overflow_expected
@@ -1 +1 @@

commit 9025c770776beb6bf90ab04fd3a4656be32d10fa
Author: Regina Obe <lr at pcorp.us>
Date:   Sat Jun 17 23:38:09 2023 -0400

    FIX GHA clang failures for clang 14
    - remove  explicit conversion, seems to cause clang 14 to fail
    - base path of LD_PRELOAD based on major version of clang
      instead of hard-coded 11
    Closes #5400 for PostGIS 3.3.10

diff --git a/ci/github/run_usan_clang.sh b/ci/github/run_usan_clang.sh
index 70652ba0b..296c44ffc 100644
--- a/ci/github/run_usan_clang.sh
+++ b/ci/github/run_usan_clang.sh
@@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env bash
 set -e
+CLANG_FULL_VER=`clang --version`
+echo `cat /etc/os-release`
+export CLANG_VER=`clang --version | perl -lne 'print $1 if /version (\d+)/'`
+echo "Clang major version is: $CLANG_VER"
 # Enable undefined behaviour sanitizer using traps
-CFLAGS_USAN="-g3 -O0 -mtune=generic -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fsanitize=undefined,implicit-conversion -fsanitize-undefined-trap-on-error -fno-sanitize-recover=implicit-conversion"
+CFLAGS_USAN="-g3 -O0 -mtune=generic -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fsanitize=undefined -fsanitize-undefined-trap-on-error -fno-sanitize-recover"
 LDFLAGS_STD="-Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions -Wl,-z,relro"
 # Sanitizer options to continue avoid stopping the runs on leaks (expected on postgres binaries)
@@ -10,7 +14,8 @@ export ASAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=false,leak_check_at_exit=false,exitcode=0
 export MSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=false,leak_check_at_exit=false,exitcode=0
 #Run postgres preloading sanitizer libs
-LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/clang/11/lib/linux/libclang_rt.asan-x86_64.so \
 /usr/local/pgsql/bin/pg_ctl -c -o '-F' -l /tmp/logfile start


Summary of changes:
 ci/github/run_usan_clang.sh                       | 11 ++++--
 regress/core/regress_proj_4890.sql                | 47 +++++++++++++++++++----
 regress/core/regress_proj_cache_overflow.sql      | 14 +++++--
 regress/core/regress_proj_cache_overflow_expected |  2 +-
 4 files changed, 58 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)


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