[PostGIS] #5744: ST_RemoveIrrelevantPointsForView() - Make optimizations based on cartesian math optional

PostGIS trac at osgeo.org
Thu Jun 13 07:16:39 PDT 2024

#5744: ST_RemoveIrrelevantPointsForView() - Make optimizations based on cartesian
math optional
  Reporter:  gluser1357   |      Owner:  pramsey
      Type:  enhancement  |     Status:  new
  Priority:  medium       |  Milestone:  PostGIS 3.5.0
 Component:  postgis      |    Version:  master
Resolution:               |   Keywords:
Comment (by gluser1357):

 For use cases where the data is already projected, or where postgis can do
 the final projection, this would surely work.

 For our vector web client which is completely based on unprojected lat/lon
 coordinates, this doesn't work: The client dynamically projects and
 renders the unprojected data itself (among the possible projections is e.
 g. also "space view" projection where views are computed on-the-fly from
 the available data while the user is dragging the mouse). The lat/lon
 coordinates are stored in postgis tables, queried on-the-fly on server-
 side when the user pans or zooms to a new area. To achieve best
 performance and safe I/O bandwidth we need to early and quickly sort out
 irrelevant lat/lon coordinates (e. g. all coordinates of a large country
 border being outside of a small-scale view). That's why we need this
 function to be able to deal also with unprojected data.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/ticket/5744#comment:3>
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