[SCM] PostGIS branch stable-3.4 updated. 3.4.2-42-g1d03645f2

git at osgeo.org git at osgeo.org
Fri Jun 14 09:44:14 PDT 2024

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project "PostGIS".

The branch, stable-3.4 has been updated
       via  1d03645f2643e6d2b49861b3eecb4f957247a4e0 (commit)
      from  bb73a3fea9cf995da73ef63226c693849584c081 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 1d03645f2643e6d2b49861b3eecb4f957247a4e0
Author: Paul Ramsey <pramsey at cleverelephant.ca>
Date:   Fri Jun 14 09:43:57 2024 -0700

    Support geography estimated extents, references #5734

diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS
index ad811061a..bded777e6 100644
--- a/NEWS
+++ b/NEWS
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ To take advantage of all SFCGAL featurs, SFCGAL 1.4.1+ is needed.
  - #5653, Do not simplify away points when linestring doubles back on 
           itself (Paul Ramsey)
  - #5720, Correctly mangle special column names in shp2pgsql (Paul Ramsey)
+ - #5734, Estimate geography extent more correctly (Paul Ramsey)
 PostGIS 3.4.2
diff --git a/liblwgeom/lwgeodetic.c b/liblwgeom/lwgeodetic.c
index 29eef8e95..176c5ed2c 100644
--- a/liblwgeom/lwgeodetic.c
+++ b/liblwgeom/lwgeodetic.c
@@ -3579,3 +3579,135 @@ int ptarray_contains_point_sphere(const POINTARRAY *pa, const POINT2D *pt_outsid
 	return LW_FALSE;
+* Given a geodetic bounding volume, calculate a lon/lat bounding
+* box that should contain the original feature that gave rise to
+* the geodetic box, in plate-carre space (planar lon/lat).
+int gbox_geocentric_get_gbox_cartesian(const GBOX *gbox_geocentric, GBOX *gbox_planar)
+	/* Normalized corners of the bounding volume */
+	POINT3D corners[8];
+	POINT3D cap_center = {0,0,0};
+	double furthest_angle = 0.0;
+	double cap_angle = 0.0;
+	int all_longitudes = LW_FALSE;
+	double lon0 = -M_PI, lon1 = M_PI;
+	double lat0, lat1;
+	GEOGRAPHIC_POINT cap_center_g;
+	if (!gbox_geocentric || !gbox_planar)
+	{
+		lwerror("Null pointer passed to %s", __func__);
+		return LW_FALSE;
+	}
+#define	CORNER_SET(ii, xx, yy, zz) { \
+	corners[ii].x = gbox_geocentric->xx; \
+	corners[ii].y = gbox_geocentric->yy; \
+	corners[ii].z = gbox_geocentric->zz; \
+	}
+	/*
+	* First find a "centered" vector to serve as the mid-point
+	* of the input bounding volume.
+	*/
+	CORNER_SET(0, xmin, ymin, zmin);
+	CORNER_SET(1, xmax, ymin, zmin);
+	CORNER_SET(2, xmin, ymax, zmin);
+	CORNER_SET(3, xmax, ymax, zmin);
+	CORNER_SET(4, xmin, ymin, zmax);
+	CORNER_SET(5, xmax, ymin, zmax);
+	CORNER_SET(6, xmin, ymax, zmax);
+	CORNER_SET(7, xmax, ymax, zmax);
+	/*
+	* Normalize the volume corners
+	* and normalize the final vector.
+	*/
+	for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 8; i++)
+	{
+		normalize(&(corners[i]));
+		cap_center.x += corners[i].x;
+		cap_center.y += corners[i].y;
+		cap_center.z += corners[i].z;
+	}
+	normalize(&cap_center);
+	/*
+	* Find the volume corner that is furthest from the center,
+	* and calculate the angle between the center and the corner.
+	* Now we have a "cap" (center and angle)
+	*/
+	for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 8; i++)
+	{
+		double angle = vector_angle(&cap_center, &(corners[i]));
+		if (angle > furthest_angle)
+			furthest_angle = angle;
+	}
+	cap_angle = furthest_angle;
+	/*
+	* Calculate the planar box that contains the cap.
+	* If the cap contains a pole, then we include all longitudes
+	*/
+	cart2geog(&cap_center, &cap_center_g);
+	/* Check whether cap includes the south pole */
+	lat0 = cap_center_g.lat - cap_angle;
+	if (lat0 <= -M_PI_2)
+	{
+		lat0 = -M_PI_2;
+		all_longitudes = LW_TRUE;
+	}
+	/* Check whether cap includes the north pole */
+	lat1 = cap_center_g.lat + cap_angle;
+	if (lat1 >= M_PI_2)
+	{
+		lat1 = M_PI_2;
+		all_longitudes = LW_TRUE;
+	}
+	if (!all_longitudes)
+	{
+		// Compute the range of longitudes covered by the cap.  We use the law
+		// of sines for spherical triangles.  Consider the triangle ABC where
+		// A is the north pole, B is the center of the cap, and C is the point
+		// of tangency between the cap boundary and a line of longitude.  Then
+		// C is a right angle, and letting a,b,c denote the sides opposite A,B,C,
+		// we have sin(a)/sin(A) = sin(c)/sin(C), or sin(A) = sin(a)/sin(c).
+		// Here "a" is the cap angle, and "c" is the colatitude (90 degrees
+		// minus the latitude).  This formula also works for negative latitudes.
+		//
+		// The formula for sin(a) follows from the relationship h = 1 - cos(a).
+		double sin_a = sin(cap_angle);
+		double sin_c = cos(cap_center_g.lat);
+		if (sin_a <= sin_c)
+		{
+			double angle_A = asin(sin_a / sin_c);
+			lon0 = remainder(cap_center_g.lon - angle_A, 2 * M_PI);
+			lon1 = remainder(cap_center_g.lon + angle_A, 2 * M_PI);
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			lon0 = -M_PI;
+			lon1 =  M_PI;
+		}
+	}
+	gbox_planar->xmin = rad2deg(lon0);
+	gbox_planar->ymin = rad2deg(lat0);
+	gbox_planar->xmax = rad2deg(lon1);
+	gbox_planar->ymax = rad2deg(lat1);
+	FLAGS_SET_GEODETIC(gbox_planar->flags, 0);
+	FLAGS_SET_Z(gbox_planar->flags, 0);
+	FLAGS_SET_M(gbox_planar->flags, 0);
+	return LW_TRUE;
diff --git a/liblwgeom/lwgeodetic.h b/liblwgeom/lwgeodetic.h
index 39053ef5f..7636e6ce6 100644
--- a/liblwgeom/lwgeodetic.h
+++ b/liblwgeom/lwgeodetic.h
@@ -152,6 +152,7 @@ double spheroid_distance(const GEOGRAPHIC_POINT *a, const GEOGRAPHIC_POINT *b, c
 double spheroid_direction(const GEOGRAPHIC_POINT *r, const GEOGRAPHIC_POINT *s, const SPHEROID *spheroid);
 int spheroid_project(const GEOGRAPHIC_POINT *r, const SPHEROID *spheroid, double distance, double azimuth, GEOGRAPHIC_POINT *g);
+int gbox_geocentric_get_gbox_cartesian(const GBOX *gbox_geocentric, GBOX *gbox_planar);
 #endif /* _LWGEODETIC_H */
diff --git a/postgis/gserialized_estimate.c b/postgis/gserialized_estimate.c
index 40aa85d65..c36564380 100644
--- a/postgis/gserialized_estimate.c
+++ b/postgis/gserialized_estimate.c
@@ -116,6 +116,7 @@ dimensionality cases. (2D geometry) &&& (3D column), etc.
 #include "liblwgeom.h"
 #include "lwgeom_pg.h"       /* For debugging macros. */
 #include "gserialized_gist.h" /* For index common functions */
+#include "lwgeodetic.h"
 #include <math.h>
@@ -2284,6 +2285,18 @@ Datum gserialized_gist_sel(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
+static Oid
+get_attype_by_name(Oid tbl, const char *colname)
+	AttrNumber attnum = get_attnum(tbl, colname);
+	if (attnum == InvalidAttrNumber)
+		elog(ERROR, "cannot find column \"%s\" in table \"%s\"",
+			colname,
+			get_rel_name(tbl));
+	return get_atttype(tbl, attnum);
  * Return the estimated extent of the table
@@ -2303,6 +2316,8 @@ Datum gserialized_estimated_extent(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
 	bool only_parent = false;
 	int key_type, att_num;
 	size_t sz;
+	Oid atttypid;
+	bool is_geography = false;
 	/* We need to initialize the internal cache to access it later via postgis_oid() */
@@ -2346,8 +2361,11 @@ Datum gserialized_estimated_extent(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
-	/* Read the extent from the head of the spatial index, if there is one */
+	atttypid = get_attype_by_name(tbl_oid, text_to_cstring(col));
+	if (atttypid == postgis_oid(GEOGRAPHYOID))
+		is_geography = true;
+	/* Read the extent from the head of the spatial index, if there is one */
 	idx_oid = table_get_spatial_index(tbl_oid, col, &key_type, &att_num);
 	if (idx_oid)
@@ -2363,7 +2381,7 @@ Datum gserialized_estimated_extent(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
 		/* Fall back to reading the stats, if no index is found */
 		/* Estimated extent only returns 2D bounds, so use mode 2 */
-		nd_stats = pg_get_nd_stats_by_name(tbl_oid, col, 2, only_parent);
+		nd_stats = pg_get_nd_stats_by_name(tbl_oid, col, is_geography ? 3 : 2, only_parent);
 		/* Error out on no stats */
 		if ( ! nd_stats ) {
@@ -2372,17 +2390,32 @@ Datum gserialized_estimated_extent(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
 		/* Construct the box */
-		gbox = palloc(sizeof(GBOX));
-		FLAGS_SET_GEODETIC(gbox->flags, 0);
-		FLAGS_SET_Z(gbox->flags, 0);
-		FLAGS_SET_M(gbox->flags, 0);
+		gbox = gbox_new(0);
 		gbox->xmin = nd_stats->extent.min[0];
 		gbox->xmax = nd_stats->extent.max[0];
 		gbox->ymin = nd_stats->extent.min[1];
 		gbox->ymax = nd_stats->extent.max[1];
+		if (is_geography)
+		{
+			FLAGS_SET_Z(gbox->flags, 1);
+			gbox->zmin = nd_stats->extent.min[2];
+			gbox->zmax = nd_stats->extent.max[2];
+		}
+	/* Convert geocentric geography box into a planar box */
+	/* that users understand */
+	if (is_geography)
+	{
+		GBOX *gbox_planar = gbox_new(0);
+		gbox_geocentric_get_gbox_cartesian(gbox, gbox_planar);
+		PG_RETURN_POINTER(gbox_planar);
+	}
+	else
@@ -2556,10 +2589,13 @@ spatial_index_read_extent(Oid idx_oid, int key_type, int att_num)
 	else if (key_type == STATISTIC_KIND_ND && bounds_gidx)
+		lwflags_t flags = 0;
 		if (gidx_is_unknown(bounds_gidx))
 			return NULL;
-		gbox = gbox_new(0);
-		gbox_from_gidx(bounds_gidx, gbox, 0);
+		FLAGS_SET_Z(flags, GIDX_NDIMS(bounds_gidx) > 2);
+		FLAGS_SET_M(flags, GIDX_NDIMS(bounds_gidx) > 3);
+		gbox = gbox_new(flags);
+		gbox_from_gidx(bounds_gidx, gbox, flags);
 		return NULL;


Summary of changes:
 NEWS                           |   1 +
 liblwgeom/lwgeodetic.c         | 132 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 liblwgeom/lwgeodetic.h         |   1 +
 postgis/gserialized_estimate.c |  52 +++++++++++++---
 4 files changed, 178 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)


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