[PostGIS] #5636: berrie 32bit failing on garden tests on ST_MakePolygon

PostGIS trac at osgeo.org
Mon May 20 11:49:17 PDT 2024

#5636: berrie 32bit failing on garden tests on ST_MakePolygon
  Reporter:  robe          |      Owner:  robe
      Type:  defect        |     Status:  new
  Priority:  medium        |  Milestone:  Website Management, Bots
 Component:  QA/buildbots  |    Version:  master
Resolution:                |   Keywords:
Comment (by robe):

 Replying to [comment:4 strk]:
 > I tried getting more output but it still doesn't help, check this out:
 > {{{
 > 19:59:02 -------------------------------------------------
 > 19:59:02 PostGIS garden tests in progress (it will take time)
 > 19:59:02 -------------------------------------------------
 > 19:59:02 psql -X -ad postgis_garden < \
 > 19:59:02      ../doc/postgis_gardentest_35.sql \
 > 19:59:02      > postgis_garden_result.txt 2>&1 || { \
 > 19:59:02      tail postgis_garden_result.txt; false; }
 > 20:00:20 INSERT 0 1
 > 20:00:20                      BEGIN;
 > 20:00:20 BEGIN
 > 20:00:20                               INSERT INTO
 postgis_garden_log35_output(logid, log_output)
 > 20:00:20                              SELECT logid,
 query_to_xml(log_sql, false,false,'') As log_output
 > 20:00:20                                  FROM postgis_garden_log35
 ORDER BY logid DESC LIMIT 1;UPDATE postgis_garden_log35 SET log_end =
 > 20:00:20 server closed the connection unexpectedly
 > 20:00:20      This probably means the server terminated abnormally
 > 20:00:20      before or while processing the request.
 > 20:00:20 connection to server was lost
 > }}}
 > How did you get the `ST_MakePolygon` call Regina ?

 You need to show a couple of lines before.

 How it works, it inserts the SQL into the postgis_garden_log35 table, and
 then it runs that line.
 It's the running that causes the crash, but the insert statement to
 postgis_garden_log35 just before the insert to postgis_garden_log35_output
 is what you want to catch.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/ticket/5636#comment:5>
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