[postgis-users] ARSDE Esri comparison

Paul Ramsey pramsey at refractions.net
Tue Aug 26 18:19:38 PDT 2003

If you are looking for a comparison to a proprietary product, 
OracleSpatial is a better analogue to PostGIS than ArcSDE is.  ArcSDE 
is a proprietary spatial middleware, tightly bound to the other ESRI 
products.  As such, it is a handy systems integration tool for 
organizations with lots of ESRI software.  PostGIS and OracleSpatial 
are general purpose spatial databases. They provide basic spatial 
functionality (spatial objects, indexing, analytical functions) but 
require other applications on top of them to "do" things.  Mapserver is 
an example of an application which makes use of the capabilities of 
both PostGIS and OracleSpatial as datastores.

Fundamentally, I do not think a direct comparison of PostGIS and ArcSDE 
would be productive, it is too much apples-to-oranges.

On Tuesday, August 26, 2003, at 01:23 AM, Cedric BERNIER wrote:

> Hi all,
> I would like to know how more interesting PostGIS is comparing to
> ArcSDE.
> If anyone can help me ...
> Thanks.
> <cedric.bernier.vcf>_______________________________________________
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      Paul Ramsey
      Refractions Research
      Email: pramsey at refractions.net
      Phone: (250) 885-0632

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