[postgis-users] PostgreSQL/PostGIS Microsoft Windows Users Qu estion

Paul Ramsey pramsey at refractions.net
Fri Aug 29 08:57:54 PDT 2003

If there are enough people interested, I can put together a project plan 
for the "ultimate PostGIS / ArcMap connector" which would allow full 
read-write directly in the database. It involves the complete 
implementation of an OleDB provider for PostgreSQL however, so it would 
be fairly involved. I don't know if enough people have budget to support 
this kind of thing (it is almost a truism, if you already have ArcMap, 
you are not interested in PostGIS, although there are of course numerous 
exceptions to prove the rule :) We have done some small group projects 
in the past, where a set of PostGIS users pool funds to push a development.

Lowther, David W wrote:
> Darren,
> I just downloaded pgarc the other day and was going to play with it 
> some, but got lost in other things. I am VERY interested in helping with 
> this project - either by giving you input into future developments or by 
> actual coding where applicable. I do a good bit of VB, but have 
> heretofore been intimidated by the ArcGIS object model. I think that 
> going through your code will help me with that.
> Our "ideal" would be an extension to ArcMap to would allow use to view / 
> edit / analyze postgis data directly from the database. I am familiar 
> with creating temp shapefiles, and that is workable, but less than 
> ideal. I dont know how pgarc is currently doing all of this.
> Do you have more specific questions? We are involved with GIS at the 
> local, state, and federal level. We do redistricting, custom mapping, 
> oil and gas data management, parcel mapping, just about all of it.
> And - we developed a "Poor Man's SDE" based on the OGIS Simple Feature 
> Specs in Access / SQL Server that we pulled data from and wrote data to 
> arcview with avenue / vb. Thats why I am familiar with the idea of temp 
> shapefiles. Its just alot of management...
> David Lowther
> Software Engineer
> GEO Information Systems
> University of Oklahoma
> dlowther at ou.edu
> (405) 325-3131
> http://www.geo.ou.edu <http://www.geo.ou.edu/>
>     -----Original Message-----
>     *From:* Darren Houston [mailto:darren.houston at edu.sait.ca]
>     *Sent:* Thursday, August 28, 2003 6:53 PM
>     *To:* 'PostGIS Users Discussion '
>     *Subject:* [postgis-users] PostgreSQL/PostGIS Microsoft Windows
>     Users Question
>     Hello all.
>     I am involved with an open source project called PgArc located at
>     http://sourceforge.net/projects/pgarc/ . The purpose of the project
>     is to allow  ESRIs ArcMap (v8.x) product to access Open Source
>     Postgresql/PostGIS spatial data tables. To help out this effort, I
>     would like to ask this question;
>     All Microsoft Windows GIS users using PostgreSQL/PostGIS, will you
>     e-mail me some information about how you use PostgreSQL/PostGIS? If
>     we can get some information on Windows usage, it will help us steer
>     our project in the right direction.
>     Thank you for any response,
>     Darren H.

      | Paul Ramsey
      | Refractions Research
      | Email: pramsey at refractions.net
      | Phone: (250) 885-0632

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