[postgis-users]CONNECTION to database thru Mapserver

w m wokar1 at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 14 08:20:55 PST 2005

I created a Mapserver layer definition in order to establish a connection to my database. I would like to display the data from the database on my map.
The table spots has just points in the "the_geom" column. All I want to do is to display those points on the map.  When I write my layer definition, it gives me no errors but it also doesnt display those points on the map.
Here is my layer definition:
        CONNECTIONTYPE postgis
        NAME "Spots"  # my table name
        CONNECTION "user=test password=test dbname=MyDataBase host=http://localhost"
        DATA "the_geom FROM Spots"   # the_geom column from table Spots
        STATUS ON
        TYPE POINT 
                        COLOR 0 0 0
                        OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0 
Thank You

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