[postgis-users] The Old Who is using PostGIS survey again?

Alex Mayrhofer axelm-postgis at nona.net
Tue Dec 30 05:40:16 PST 2008

Paragon Corporation wrote:

> 1) How you use PostGIS?

I'm using it as a backend database for our GPS track sharing site 

All the GPS data that users upload is stored in PostGIS - very useful 
for finding relations between different tracks, calculating length, 
intersection with countries, etc, etc.

Other features from PostgreSQL itself also come handy, like the full 
text search module.

> 2) What you find useful about it over anything else?

It's simply the best available spatial database system i know of, has an 
active development community that is not just helpful, but also eager 
about bug fixes.

> 3) Why you think there should be any book written focused on its use and of
> course if such a thing were to exist, would you buy it?

Location data is becoming more and more important - and even though the 
general management of databases is assumed to be common knowledge among 
developers, managing spatial data is still a niche that is bound to go 

(if you use that sentence in the book, i want a free copy ;)

I probably wouldn't buy it, because i have a couple of years of 
experience with PostGIS - but, that might of course depend on the focus 
of the book.


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