[postgis-users] PostGIS Conceptual and Phisical Modelling
Carlos Andrade
carlosviansi at gmail.com
Wed Nov 2 10:55:21 PDT 2011
Thanks Sandro,
You're right.
Although I've managed to get things working on ArcGis, I decided to go back
to QuantumGis and I finally understood that I could do just the same there
and even more easier.
I've created my shape files again on it, and managed to connect to my
postgres/postgis database.
I've got a LOT of problems, however, with the postgres 9.1 and postgis
1.5.3 to get it running on mac, maybe I was just unlucky with all the
issues with the postgres cluster.
I've created a small tutorial on how I got things wokrking around to set up
on a snow leopard it, is this of any interest to this comunity? It may have
information that it not 100% accurate, but it was what made it work on my
mac. If yes, please let me know where could I put it (maybe the wiki, or
where would it be).
My professor was pleased with all the documentation I brought up, and she
is also aware of the help this community gave me as well, so thank you very
much for that :)
She requested one more thing, maybe one of you would know:
She wants to see the result of the queries being displayed on the map.
I've run some search on google and I came across one of the plugins from
QuantumGis that does EXACTLY what i want which is Spatial Query plugin.
However, it seems very limited to at most two layers, and not very advanced
queries. It does show the results and highlight the shape results on the
map (thats exactly what I want), but I want this to work by inputing SQL
into it, the same I'd input on psql on postgres.
It would also work if when I used a query on my postgis database then it
would show the result also on QuantumGis since they are connected, but I'm
unsure if this is really possible.
Any clues on this?
Thank you very much again,
Carlos Andrade
2011/10/27 Sandro Santilli <strk at keybit.net>
> On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 05:07:19PM -0300, Carlos Andrade wrote:
> > I found out that PostGIS could load shapefiles based on ESRI .shp and
> other
> > extensions for attributes, etc, but I've did not find yet a tool that
> could
> > take as input the google maps image, and let me save it as a shape file
> to
> > be directly loaded on the PostGIS. Is that possible?
> Openlayers (.org) has some nice editing tools and you can use google
> layer as background for going after it. Then you'll need some javascript
> to communicate to a backend for saving what you draw. I'd look at tinyows
> if I were you. It saves directly in postgis.
> > I've dowloaded an ArchGis 10 trial and have been trying to use ArchMap,
> and
> Don't.
> > ArchCatalog or ArchMap (web) to try to figure things out, but so far I
> > wasn't very lucky.
> Doesn't have to do with luck.
> Can't figure things out using proprietary software.
> Do yourself a favor and use software you can look into.
> > Another thing I was curious and still didn't find out is if 1.3.6 did not
> > support topology by that time. Since my university computers only have
> > postgis on this version I'm "stucked" on it and have not been able to use
> > topology.
> Topology was available since PostGIS 1.1.0.
> But what you get in binary packages isn't necessarely what was available
> at the source level. You should be able to install your own version
> of PostGIS and PostgreSQL if you can't convince the university to install
> it themself.
> --strk;
> () Free GIS & Flash consultant/developer
> /\ http://strk.keybit.net/services.html
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