[postgis-users] Problem after reprojecting: Extent: BOX(inf inf, inf inf)

Jan Peters petersjan at gmx.at
Mon Nov 7 09:39:51 PST 2011

Dear all,
I am a bit stuck: I just encountered that some of my PostGIS datasets were defined as EPSG:31259 in the geometry_colums table, but the geometry data was actually EPSG:4326. Now I wanted to project this data from 4326 to 31259 via:

CREATE TABLE table_31259 AS 
ST_Transform(the_geom,31259) AS the_geom  
FROM table_4326;

which had already been working for other tables, but the newest tables seem to resist correct projection because when I run 

select ST_extent(table_4326.the_geom)
FROM table_4326;

I get:

BOX(4130129.75 -3197344.75,4439015 -2797768.25) /*which is correct*/

after projecting the data to EPSG:31259 I get:

BOX(inf inf,inf inf) /*which means there is obviously something wrong*/

Do I miss something here? I also tried to update the SRID in table_4326 like:

SELECT updategeometrysrid('table_4326', 'the_geom', 4326);
and then:
SELECT setsrid(the_geom, 4326) from table_4326;

and after that projecting the data to EPSG:31259 again, so there must be something going fundamentally wrong I fear. 

Thanks for any replies

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