[Qgis-community-team] Renaming Style Manager?

Anita Graser anitagraser at gmx.at
Sat Jan 29 03:57:28 PST 2022

Good point about the questionable use of the term "style" itself. This
certainly raises the question of how extensively we can change the use
of multiple terms in QGIS without confusing everyone, users and
developers alike. Personally, I tend to favor pragmatic solutions and
would be willing to stick the general meaning of style that has been
established in QGIS over the past years.


On 18.01.2022 16:39, Andreas Neumann wrote:
> Maybe "Layer configuration"?
> Andreas
> On 2022-01-18 16:30, Jörn Gutzeit wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I agree with Alex: don't want to add to the confusion, but doing it
>> anyway :-)
>> When I read it, I thought: right, also for me the word ‚style' means
>> how something looks and IMHO that is what is managed in the Style
>> Manager. And a QML file stores (by now?) more than that.
>> After thinking about it: for me, what is stored in a QML file is best
>> described as ‚Layer Properties Settings', but that's probably too
>> long ;-) Could it just be called ‚Layer Properties' or ‚Layer
>> Settings'? I prefer Layer Settings, then a QML file would be a Layer
>> Settings File.
>> Jörn
>> Am 15.01.22 um 11:14 schrieb Alexandre Neto:
>>> Not wanting to add more confusion, but adding it anyway :-p
>>> Maybe it's not the style manager that that needs to be changed, but
>>> the term "style" itself and how it is used.
>>> At least for me the word style is related to the way something looks.
>>> In QGIS, when you save a "style" you are actually saving many of the
>>> layer "properties" and not all are related to the way the layer will
>>> look.
>>> So style could be reserved to symbols, labels, color ramps, and so
>>> on... And maybe we need another term for what we call style now.
>>> We also have Layer Definition Files.
>>> My two cents.
>>> Alex
>>> A sexta, 14/01/2022, 21:06, Charles Dixon-Paver
>>> <charles at kartoza.com> escreveu:
>>>     +1 for Design Manager
>>>     On Fri, 14 Jan 2022 at 23:00, Anita Graser <anitagraser at gmx.at>
>>>     wrote:
>>>         Thanks Harrissou and Jörn,
>>>         Good to see all these previous discussions. Seems like
>>>         everyone agrees that "Style Manager" has to be renamed but
>>>         we don't have a good alternative yet. As Nyall said in
>>>         https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/pull/2765, "Symbol Manager" is
>>>         not correct either.
>>>         We're looking for an umbrella term that covers: symbols,
>>>         color ramps, text formats, label settings, legend patch
>>>         shapes, and 3D symbols.
>>>         We use "resources" in the Resource Manager, however that's
>>>         for "Symbology (SVG, images, styles), Processing scripts,
>>>         Processing models, R scripts and checklists" (according to
>>>         https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/qgis_resource_sharing/).
>>>         Brainstorming:
>>>           * Cartography Resources
>>>           * Visual Library
>>>           * Design Manager
>>>           * ...
>>>         What do you think about "design"?
>>>         Regards,
>>>         Anita
>>>         On 14.01.2022 21:25, Jörn Gutzeit wrote:
>>>>         Hi,
>>>>         I also recently had a confusion between style/style: I
>>>>         wanted to write the documentation for the new feature "Save
>>>>         all styles" and first searched for it in the style manger
>>>>         (also because the issue has the tag "style manager" ... ;-)
>>>>         ). The new feature, however, makes it possible to save
>>>>         several styles from the layer properties dialog as QML/SLD
>>>>         files or in a db [1].
>>>>         Now we are in a discussion how to separate this styles in
>>>>         the chapter (all layer properties) and the style manager
>>>>         (symbols only) [2]. Renaming the style manager might help ...
>>>>         Regards,
>>>>         Jörn
>>>>         [1] https://github.com/qgis/QGIS-Documentation/issues/4398
>>>>         [2] https://github.com/qgis/QGIS-Documentation/pull/7217
>>>>         Am 14.01.2022 um 16:39 schrieb Delaz J:
>>>>>         Hi Anita, all
>>>>>         The inconsistent use of the word "style" is indeed an
>>>>>         issue and confusing. It was raised years ago in
>>>>>         https://github.com/qgis/qgis3_UIX_discussion/issues/16
>>>>>         (and probably in QGIS repo but hard to find) with an
>>>>>         attempt of fix at https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/pull/2765
>>>>>         (you'll find some answers to your suggestion of symbol
>>>>>         manager).
>>>>>         Maybe the time has come for the cleanup...?
>>>>>         Regards,
>>>>>         Harrissou
>>>>>         Le 14/01/2022 à 13:14, Anita Graser a écrit :
>>>>>>         Hi,
>>>>>>         This question was triggered by Tim at
>>>>>>         https://github.com/qgis/QGIS-Django/issues/231
>>>>>>         The terms "style" and "symbol" are used somewhat
>>>>>>         inconsistently in the
>>>>>>         QGIS application and on the QGIS hub website. For
>>>>>>         example, in Settings |
>>>>>>         Style Manager the users actually manage symbols. On the
>>>>>>         hub, the
>>>>>>         "styles" page allows sharing symbol definitions (XML) but
>>>>>>         not styles (QML).
>>>>>>         This later inconsistency is confusing, i.e. it confused
>>>>>>         me when I wanted
>>>>>>         to share a QML file and realized that I cannot.
>>>>>>         I think it would be worthwhile to strive for more
>>>>>>         consistency and to
>>>>>>         rename the Style Manager because it really is a symbol
>>>>>>         manager. It's
>>>>>>         Import/Export functionality deals with XML symbols and
>>>>>>         not QML styles.
>>>>>>         What do you think?
>>>>>>         Regards,
>>>>>>         Anita
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>> --
>> Jörn Gutzeit Umwelt IT
>> Umweltdatenbearbeitung
>> Lothringerstraße 68
>> 52070 Aachen
>> 0176 - 43 03 93 31
>> www.umwelt-it.de  <http://www.umwelt-it.de>
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