[QGIS-Developer] Rectangles-Ovals-Digitizing plugin deprecated

Loïc Bartoletti lbartoletti at tuxfamily.org
Tue Jun 5 10:00:56 PDT 2018


I forked it some years ago since it wasn't maintained, see 

FYI, it's integrated into QGIS 3.



Le 05/06/2018 à 13:16, Thomas Baumann a écrit :
> Hello,
> the Rectangles-Ovals-Digitizing plugin ( 
> https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/rectovalDigit ) has an issue that 
> causes QGIS to slow down and get unstable: 
> https://github.com/vinayan/RectOvalDigitPlugin/issues/6
> I sent a pullrequest with a fix for the problem ( 
> https://github.com/vinayan/RectOvalDigitPlugin/pull/7 ) but the plugin 
> does not seem to be maintained any more.
> In 2013 there was already a discussion that the plugin does not seem 
> to be maintained any more:
> http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/Fwd-Re-WG-quot-Rectangles-ovals-digitizing-quot-plugin-is-broken-in-QGIS-1-9-td5028866.html
> I asked the author if the plugin is still maintained by him:
> ----
> Hello,
> just a short question: Is the RectOvalDigitPlugin still maintained by you?
> best wishes,
> Thomas
> ---
> The answer:
> Pavol Kapusta
> Hello, the short answer is no. Best regards
> ---
> Thomas
> Ok, thanks for the reply.
> I think the Plugin should then be marked as deprecated as it has some 
> issues that slow down qgis.( I sent a pull request with a patch).
> Are you ok with that?
> ---
> Pavol Kapusta
> Hello,
> I am OK with that, of course.
> Best regards
> ---
> The plugin was obviously migrated to the github account of Vinayan 
> Parameswaran ( https://github.com/vinayan/RectOvalDigitPlugin ) in 
> 2013 but this repository also does not seem to be maintained any more.
> I sent an email to Vinayan Parameswaran but did not get an answer yet.
> As the plugin slows down QGIS very badly until it freezes after 
> editing and saving edits for some time I think that the current 
> version in the official plugin repository should be marked as deprecated.
> best wishes,
> Thomas
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