[QGIS-Developer] Rectangles-Ovals-Digitizing plugin deprecated

Thomas Baumann rdbath.regiodata at gmail.com
Wed Jun 6 01:34:44 PDT 2018

Am Di., 5. Juni 2018 um 19:08 Uhr schrieb Loïc Bartoletti <
lbartoletti at tuxfamily.org>:

> Hi,
> I forked it some years ago since it wasn't maintained, see
> https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/CADDigitize/
> FYI, it's integrated into QGIS 3.
> Regards
> Loïc


good to know that there is a acitvely maintained alternative to the old

I agree with Matthias that a patch should be shipped.

( "

*From my point of view, this patch should be shipped even without a general
overhaul.  The plugin in use and probably causing data loss, reducing
productivity and giving bad reputation for QGIS (I guess many are not aware
that it's actually a plugin which is responsible for the situation, that
their QGIS is slowing down).* " )

The current version of the plugin has more than 70000 Downloads so probably
there are a lot of people affected by the bug.

What's really nasty about the plugin is the fact that is slows down QGIS
even if you don't use it's functionality. As soon as it is installed it
listenes to the currentLayerChanged signal and connects the editingStarted
and editingStopped signal again and again to the toggle function.

At the company I'm working for this bug had caused a lot of frustration
until I found out what caused QGIS to slow down, freeze and crash.
Indeed the users (of course) did not differentiate between the core QGIS
and plugins   and their feedback just was that their QGIS is slow and

*Now I tried to upload a new version of the plugin with the bugfix at
<https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/add/> but I get following error-message:*

"You cannot modifiy this plugin. "

How should I proceed?

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