[QGIS-Developer] Windows only version of a QGIS 2.18x plugin

Tim Sutton tim at kartoza.com
Mon Feb 11 00:31:50 PST 2019


> On 11 Feb 2019, at 10:22, Carlo A. Bertelli (Charta s.r.l.) <carlo.bertelli at gmail.com> wrote:
> This long and fruitful exchange about usage of Windows-only executables inside QGIS suggests the availability of some "bridge" made using wine (winehq.org <http://winehq.org/>). This could be an infrastructure made available to Processing that could ease accessing some valuable tool.

I would see the proposal I made to use wine more in ‘dirty hack’ territory than something we should try to recommend as standard. Far nicer, as others have suggested in this thread, would be to implement missing analysis functionality as core QGIS processing algorithms or lean on our existing integrations like SAGA/R/GRASS etc.




Tim Sutton

Co-founder: Kartoza
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