[QGIS-Developer] Windows only version of a QGIS 2.18x plugin

Christina.Ratcliff at csiro.au Christina.Ratcliff at csiro.au
Mon Feb 11 17:16:24 PST 2019

Hi All,

Thank you all for your suggestions and  ideas for resolving this issue.

The use of VESPER is currently not negotiable, and as I’ve previously pointed out, VESPER is a tool of choice for kriging in the Precision Agriculture industry in Australia. We will continue using VESPER as it is currently implemented in the PAT plugin. If hosting PAT on the official QGIS plugin repository cannot be approved, we will host it on our own repository. This would be disappointing as we believe the official plugin repository would provide the greatest visibility to the broader global  precision agriculture community.

Christina Ratcliff

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