[QGIS-Developer] stale bot :-(

Richard Duivenvoorde rdmailings at duif.net
Tue Dec 22 00:37:52 PST 2020

I received some "this issue will be closed because of lack of feedback",
but I think current 'stale bot implementation' is a little rude on the edges.

(did I miss some discussion about this here?)

I received some "this issue will be closed because of lack of feedback", only because I commented on them. But some are just plain valid:

As an example:
that is just a valid use-case (or maybe feature request?)

This one:
is just valid (I even installed Oracle to check this...)

This one: also valid and still needed:

Weeding the issues is not nice, so removing non-valid, old or non responding is fine, but now I think the bot is pulling the veggies instead of the weed :-)


Richard Duivenvoorde

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