[QGIS-Developer] Extend the API to fix a bug for a patch release

David Signer david at opengis.ch
Mon Oct 12 12:29:13 PDT 2020

Hi there

Last week there was a discussion regarding the issues with the offline
editing plugin already.
One of the main problems with the projects created by the offline editing
functions are the layernames. They get the static suffix " (offline)". This
leads to issues with expressions or widgets like e.g. the value relation.

We thought about solving it by adding a parameter called suffix to the
function. This suffix should be " (offline)" by default.
But it gives Plugins like e.g. QFieldSync the possibility to pass an empty
suffix, what will keep the layername unchanged and would fix the issues in
the expressions and widgets. It would be completely backwards compatible
and would not have any influence on other parts of the code.

Would this Bugfix have a chance to be in the patch release 3.16.1?

Thanks for your feedback and cheers

David Signer - signedav
david at opengis.ch  <david at opengis.ch>
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