[QGIS-Developer] [Qgis-psc] QGIS LTR releases -- is it time to pull the plug?

Luca Manganelli luca.manganelli at comune.trento.it
Tue Nov 16 23:27:44 PST 2021

> [... ]

As an IT administrator in our public organization, I confess that I have
packaged and distributed to all PCs the (old) 3.16.4 version. Why? Because
with this version there are 0 problems among users and with our customized

Before the 3.16 release, the other 3.x versions were a disaster, many
things didn't work, so before this 3.16, I had distributed 2.x to many
users and 3.12 to only few PCs.

In a big organization the most important thing is not, "strangely", the
more features a piece of a software has, but the ... stability. Remember
that every worker wants a product that... works.

And, the upgrade. The QGIS package is big (the archive is over 320MB) and
we have many offices in sloooow networks (2M ADSL... don't laugh, this is
the situ


Comune di Trento 

via Belenzani, 19 - 38122 Trento | C.F e P. IVA: 

tel. +39 0461.884111 | www.comune.trento.it 

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