[QGIS-Developer] change the datasource of a vector layer in pyqgis

Bruno Streit brunos at mailbox.org
Tue Aug 6 03:36:09 PDT 2024

Dear list
I want to change the datasource of some layers with a qgis plugin. It is a change from gdb to postgres. I am checking the new source in a testlayer:
print(layer.source()) returns:
old: //zihl/grundlagen/1_GeodatenLV95/2_Kanton_Bern/AGI/A_AV_admin/MOPUBE/data/MOPUBE.gdb|layername=MOPUBE_LIF
print(testlayer.source()) returns:
dbname='be' service='be' key='id' checkPrimaryKeyUnicity='1' table="AGI-MOPUBE"."MOPUBE_LIF" (geom)
How can I set the datasource of layer to the one of testlayer?
Do i need layer.setDatasource() or layer.setDataProvider() ?
Could anyone provide an example?
Any help is apprecaited.
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