[QGIS-Developer] Plugin update

Zoltán Siki siki1958 at gmail.com
Sun Feb 25 22:08:21 PST 2024

Dear Developers,

I have made a pull request one and half year ago to the MapSwipeTool
plugin, but the developer of the plugin didn't do anything with it. I made
only a minor change in the code, caused by the change in QLine parameters.
The latest version of the plugin, available from the plugins.qgis.org repo
is useless, it fails after activation. Some users react to my pull request,
that it solves the issue (
https://github.com/lmotta/mapswipetool_plugin/pulls). This plugin is/was
popular, more than hundred thousand downloads.
I don't want to take over the development and the maintenance of this
plugin, just make the workable version available for the users as a new
version in the plugin repo. Can it be done somehow without being the owner
of the plugin?
Zoltan Siki
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