[Qgis-psc] [QGIS-Developer] Call for possible vote on change to official plugin repo policy?
Tim Sutton
tim at kartoza.com
Wed Feb 21 01:59:36 PST 2018
> On 21 Feb 2018, at 09:01, Paolo Cavallini <cavallini at faunalia.it> wrote:
> Hi Nyall,
> Il 21/02/2018 06:55, Nyall Dawson ha scritto:
>> On 19 February 2018 at 17:46, Paolo Cavallini <cavallini at faunalia.it> wrote:
>>> I fully understand and support your concerns. Why not simply deprecating
>>> these plugin? I have adopted this approach (much too rarely, trying not
>>> to hurt authors too much) in the past, and I found it simple and
>>> effective. Once issues are fixed, I simply remove the `deprecated` flag,
>>> et voilà.
>>> Not sure we need a vote for this, just establishing sensible guidelines
>>> should be enough.
>> That sounds like a good technical solution.
> so, we agree that simply deprecating a plugin is the way to go, right?
>> But (like others have raised) I think we need a clear policy here so
>> that there's no misunderstanding or developers feeling like they're
>> "targeted". That's why I think we need a strong policy, voted in by
>> the voting community, so that there's NO chance that anyone can claim
>> that this is being abused.
> as plugin manager, I'd appreciate this enormously; I wish there was a
> clear policy, with no room for interpretation. Having >= 1 ticket marked
> as critical could be one, but this just moves decisions one step ahead.
> Do you have a practic proposal?
Can you clarify here if the ticket should be in QGIS tracker or in plugin repo tracker? What is to stop them just chasing the ticket state and then asking for a release?
>> What's the next step here? I'd very much like to see this continue
>> moving forward promptly.
> IMHO we can agree on a solution without the need for a vote. In any
> case, I'm sure PSC could ratify any sensible decision that comes out of
> this discussion.
> All the best.
> --
> Paolo Cavallini - www.faunalia.eu
> QGIS & PostGIS courses: http://www.faunalia.eu/training.html
> https://www.google.com/trends/explore?date=all&geo=IT&q=qgis,arcgis
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Tim Sutton
Co-founder: Kartoza
Project chair: QGIS.org
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